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French Shad Molds

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I start a new project design and creation

a shad will be done in 2 parts, so 2 molds [/ b].

1 mold for the body and 1 mold for the tail to be heat -

this mold include diferents types of tail

This will be a contrast of color.

The tail of the body to be fairly thin and long to adjust to

the desired length, this lure will go from 11 to 15 cm.

with this approach it is possible to create dozens of different lures.

So I'll reveal my way of creating an illusion in virtual manufacturing

until the fishing biensûr it takes time but as winter approaches it is time

predict future flares of 2010.

Step 1 [/ b]: sketch 2D profiles of the lure for top and

in front view:

b] I

silhouette of the lure, the shelves will come after, for now we must

create the volume, certainly this process is long and tedious but

patience pays and the result will suffer.

http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1180/shad2.jpg [/ img]

Step 3: [/ b] I begin to give form to illusion by creating the

rays and this begins to take shape slowly but then I

reveals you how to make the 3D surface and it is exciting

also and always interesting to discover.

http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/1925/shad3.jpg [/ img]

Step 4: [/ b] The lure is modeled in 3D, it measures 15cm but its size can

vary from 11 to 15cm with tails of different shapes

be heat-sealed and luring cut to length,

it can also be used without the reported tail short, not bad

of possibilities and sizes as required.

http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6845/shad5.jpg [/ img]

http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/4035/shad4.jpg [/ img]

http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6205/shad6.jpg [/ img]

http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/576/shad7.jpg [/ img]

Step 5: [/ b] different model queues will be created for

This first model is the diameter of 18mm.

http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/5954/shad8.jpg [/ img]

http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7324/shad9.jpg [/ img]

Another form of tail this time it is oval:

http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/636/shad12.jpg [/ img]

The master wood and virtual:

http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/3303/shad10.jpg [/ img]

Step 6: [/ b] Implementation of the lure to determine the size of

pan, 3 pan footprints are small 150x90mm, I put

3 identical fingerprints because it is possible to make different length

as needed, the casting will be done through the nose for it is this

so that the filling is best.

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/7361/shad11.jpg [/ img]

Voila, the mold body of Shad is finished, 3 footprints:

http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/5651/shad14.jpg [/ img]

After discussion and having put aside my first idea, I decided

dedicating a stamp to fill the back to allow

the superposition of colors, which may be helpful for

a shad but I keep the other 2 prints a filling

nose, short, versatility for maximum opportunities,

after hours of study here is a screenshot of mold release


http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7194/shad15.jpg [/ img]

Step 7: [/ b] for the second mold-locking, 4 models

tails different and each is doubled, this mold is very easy to use

just put a plaque on either one side or the other and sinking

without heating the mold, if you want a good side dish is highest

example will fill the small hole.

http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/9385/shad16.jpg [/ img]

I liked the double tail but I fell heavily for size

have the same volume as normal tail.

it will be possible to adjust the branch by filing a little side to be

heat-sealed, as is aluminum so easy to edit and

adapt as needed:

http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/1183/shad17.jpg [/ img]

Step 8: [/ b] stage programming tool paths,

machining will be done with tools hemispherical, this step

is very important because otherwise it is impossible to achieve:

http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/774/shad18.jpg [/ img]

http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/236/shad19.jpg [/ img]

étape9: [/ b] Machining molds on machining center, these mussels

are aluminum and are indestructible, here are the molds are finished and

remains to be the most interesting ie create lures and of course

fishing because it is the purpose:

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/5249/shad20.jpg [/ img]

Before the tests I give a casting coup polishing

fingerprints in order that the product glides better and that the decoy

sort of a shiny:

http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2337/shad21.jpg [/ img]

I hate to try everything.

You can leave comments on the progress of work.

Of course all that remains of the craft, even if it seems complicated

for me it is not because it's my job but it is not

Industry decoy flexible besides, I do not even know how they

proceed, I do not sell molds or lures that

remain at the prototype stage, the flares I and distributes it

courtesy to those who fish with me.


After this first test, I have to make minor modifications to the mold

adding a rubber cup for a perfect deburring and 2 or 3

vents, for a first attempt I'm happy with the result:

The job is very simple with 2 hot plates:

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6929.jpg [/ img]

for this test I used the remains of a former cast plastileurre:

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6930.jpg [/ img]

perfect proportion for this lure:

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6931.jpg [/ img]

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6932.jpg [/ img]

Preparation plastileurre with orange dye to create the queues:

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6933.jpg [/ img]

Casting tails once pastileurre sunk I put a little

aluminum plate above and I have to press one side and a very flat

cloth as fine as possible:

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6934.jpg [/ img]

Now it only remains to make the heat-tails

on each lure, simple operation that takes place with a small iron


http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn6935.jpg [/ img]

I like this lure well and is very flexible:

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn7010.jpg [/ img]

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn7011.jpg [/ img]

I prepared only 4 for now we must make the swim trials.

http://i88.servimg.com/u/f88/11/08/46/69/dscn7012.jpg' alt='dscn7012.jpg'>

this picture we can see the size of this lure which measures 12cm

but it may be 11 to 15cm


next stage of testing swimming decoy and I think it should though



@ + Jojo

Edited by jojo79
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Well I understood it. A successful project is always good to see. I hope the swim trials work out for you.

Pity about the picture links, I had to load each one in a new window to view them, which made reading the post very laborious. Also for next time, more paragraphs would make reading a lot easier.


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