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Powder Coat Jig Problem

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I have been pouring and painting jigs for a couple months now. I have learned alot from this site but now I need help. I have not changed anything other than just open a new bottle of powder paint. I have not made my fluid bed that Cadman sent me instructions for (thanks) so i still dip and tap in the powder. Today I painted about 150 jigs about half of them I left single color and put in the toaster oven to bake. I bake at 350 deg for 15 minutes just like a thousand before but this time the 50 jigs that were chartreuse all had drips hanging when I took them out. None of the other colors ran just chartreuse. So I wonder if I got some bad powder paint. I got it from Janns Netcraft just like I have bought and used alot of other colors. But the crazy part is the chartreuse jigs that I multi colored (paint brush tap) did not run or drip. I dipped some more and put them in the toaster over this time turned down the heat to 300 and after 10 minutes same thing drips. So am I right it must be bad paint? But why multi colors not running.

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Wow, that puzzles me. I have never had bad paint from anywhere I bought it from. I've seen powder paint get hard from moisture which is still usable, and I've seen powder paint get hard from sitting in a hot car, which at that point is junk. So back to your dilemma. Is it yellow chartreuse or green chartreuse? Are you putting it on by chance too thick. It will teardrop or nipple when there is too much powder. You mentioned multi-color. Was the chartreuse paint the base color or the color you put over a base color, that you said did not run or drip? Sorry for all of the questions but I'm trying to find a solution. Finally can you take some pics of the problem and post here? That would be a great help for everyone to look at and diagnose your problem.

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The only time that happens is when you have too much paint applied, some colors seem to need more heat than others, everytime I use white I have to heat the jig a little bit more, from your problem it sounds as if your jigs may have been too hot for the chartreuse and too much paint stuck when you dipped them, this is why fluid beds are so nice, they give you a nice even coat and you put your jig in and take it out really quick, much quicker than the jar and it stays fluffed, if you dip the jig into the jar and you put it in to a spot where the paint is clumped, you'll get more paint on the jig than you wanted and when you cure it you get the "nipple" effect.

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Well I have experimented and I think I was getting the jig to hot and to much paint. So why the difference between paints always heat the same but now with the yellow chartreuse I will just not heat as long. Fluid bed is next on the list hopefully this weekend I will have time to get everything picked up and make one. Thanks for the quick replies.

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Well I have experimented and I think I was getting the jig to hot and to much paint. So why the difference between paints always heat the same but now with the yellow chartreuse I will just not heat as long. Fluid bed is next on the list hopefully this weekend I will have time to get everything picked up and make one. Thanks for the quick replies.

A fluid bed will make your life easier for one color applications. You will be a happy camper.

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Definitely too much paint will cause the drip. The pigments in each paint cause them to have different characteristics, i.e. heating times. Unless I missed it, I didn't read where you were base-coating with white. It sounds strange because you are applying twice as much powder, but with the white base coat and yellow chartruese topcoat, they will hardly ever drip unless of course you just plain get way too much paint on the jig. I think the white base must give the chartruese topcoat something more to grip to, just my assumption.

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It is recommended for flourescent colors because they are so transparent. You may notice on your jigs without a base coat that any edges tend to show as dark. This is eliminated with a white base coat which can if you are not careful cause another problem. That being, too much white and not enough chartreuse will allow the white to show through. So to get the right effect you will want to dip in and out of the white as quickly as possible to get just a light amount of powder on the jig and swish it in the chartreuse just a slight bit longer to insure the white is covered. It is all a timing thing and takes a small amount of practice to get the hang of it. Use of two fluid beds here is a plus.

Hope this answered your question.

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A white base coat is not required and the proplem of overheating and getting too much paint on goes away with a fluid bed. A white base coat on transparent or metallic colors will give you the candy color effect if thats what you want. If you don't have the fluid bed ready by the time you're ready to paint more then just use a wide shallow bowl and put your powder in that, this will allow you to move your jig through it quickly and avoid getting too much paint on. Just remember, you can use a white base coat but you really don't need it.

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A white base coat is not required and the proplem of overheating and getting too much paint on goes away with a fluid bed. A white base coat on transparent or metallic colors will give you the candy color effect if thats what you want. If you don't have the fluid bed ready by the time you're ready to paint more then just use a wide shallow bowl and put your powder in that, this will allow you to move your jig through it quickly and avoid getting too much paint on. Just remember, you can use a white base coat but you really don't need it.

I have a fluid bed.

My white does go on to thick causing nipples.And some times when I remove my jigs from the white,there will be clumps and/or flakes stuck to the head.

Any idea what's going on with my white?

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I have been pouring and painting jigs for a couple months now. I have learned alot from this site but now I need help. I have not changed anything other than just open a new bottle of powder paint. I have not made my fluid bed that Cadman sent me instructions for (thanks) so i still dip and tap in the powder. Today I painted about 150 jigs about half of them I left single color and put in the toaster oven to bake. I bake at 350 deg for 15 minutes just like a thousand before but this time the 50 jigs that were chartreuse all had drips hanging when I took them out. None of the other colors ran just chartreuse. So I wonder if I got some bad powder paint. I got it from Janns Netcraft just like I have bought and used alot of other colors. But the crazy part is the chartreuse jigs that I multi colored (paint brush tap) did not run or drip. I dipped some more and put them in the toaster over this time turned down the heat to 300 and after 10 minutes same thing drips. So am I right it must be bad paint? But why multi colors not running.

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I have been pouring and painting jigs for a couple months now. I have learned alot from this site but now I need help. I have not changed anything other than just open a new bottle of powder paint. I have not made my fluid bed that Cadman sent me instructions for (thanks) so i still dip and tap in the powder. Today I painted about 150 jigs about half of them I left single color and put in the toaster oven to bake. I bake at 350 deg for 15 minutes just like a thousand before but this time the 50 jigs that were chartreuse all had drips hanging when I took them out. None of the other colors ran just chartreuse. So I wonder if I got some bad powder paint. I got it from Janns Netcraft just like I have bought and used alot of other colors. But the crazy part is the chartreuse jigs that I multi colored (paint brush tap) did not run or drip. I dipped some more and put them in the toaster over this time turned down the heat to 300 and after 10 minutes same thing drips. So am I right it must be bad paint? But why multi colors not running.

This may not be for you, but I made myself a hanging rack for my toaster ovens. Then made some hooks out of stainless steel wire, which I hang my jigs up with the hook eye. If there is some running it will go down the shank, so the head of the jig will never have any deforms. And unless you have way too much paint on the jig, the run on the shank will never actually show up. But yes you need a fluid bed. I made mine myself and still use my hangers, and never have (The Runs).

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I have a fluid bed.

My white does go on to thick causing nipples.And some times when I remove my jigs from the white,there will be clumps and/or flakes stuck to the head.

Any idea what's going on with my white?

If you use a fluid bed you definitely should not have runs unless you hold the jig too long in the fluid bed powder.When I do multi-color of 6 colors , rarely if ever have runs. Thinner coat is always better, you can always add, if you have too much you can't take it off. If you are using Pro-Tec white, then you shouldn't have problems. I personally don't like their white for my application. I have gone through 30 different brands and have finally found one I like. I had it custom made. Also I believe white is the heaviest pigment out of all the colors. One thing to remember is always keep your powder paint tightly sealed and do not leave them in the fluid bed when you're not using it, they will absorb moisture.

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