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What's your favorite / most effective color?

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What color or colors have you found to be the best or most effective in your area?

I've been fishing in the Potomac the past year, and in this area Junebug and Green Pumpkin/pepper (or variants of green pumpkin) are among the most popular.

I read in a previous thread that Del is mostly sticking with Bubblegum. Is that still your favorite, Del?

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Thanks to Del posting that, I have used various shades of pink with pretty good success; pink with red and/or blue flake especially. However, I still have to say that my personal favorite has always been motor oil. It's an oldie but goodie.

Seems to me that the further east you go, the more you here of junebug, green pumpkin, watermelon, etc. They catch fish here, but they aren't as dominant as certain parts of the country. We tend to lean more towards the green/brown mixes, oxblood, cinnamons, etc.


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Motoroil is a goldie oldie, that's a fact. At one time (years ago in Florida) that was the first color I put on the hook and likely the color I had on at the end of the day.

A great variant is Motoroil/brown laminate, with the brown having a slight touch of green in the background.

Another of my old-time favorites is brown back/orangeish brown belly & tail (laminate) we used to call that orange craw, and I caught a bunch of fish on my 7.5" curltails in that color.

When my plastic comes in, I've got lots of catching up to do!

Bluegill, eh? I'll have to check the site if anyone has posted that recipe...

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Last year the color was bubblegum pink here in southern Oklahoma. I used a lot of senko style baits in bubblegum. My brother laughed at it at first, but when I had put several fish in the boat and he didn't have any, he changed his mind. Now he asks if I have plenty of the pinko stinko baits :D

Dark blue with blue glitter seemed to be the best color for lizards. Black with blue tail was also pretty good.

The curley tail worms seemed to work best in a plum color with blue flake.

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Its not bubble gum that color doesnt work for me at all(i have no idea why)

I used a variation of red adding enough drops to get the color I want, now the fleck will make all the difference in how the red comes out.

Try mixing 5 drops of red in a cup of plastic and add different glitter colors, you will see that noe of the colors match with different glitter colors.

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