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Flourescent Colors

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Hey guys I was wondering when I use Flourescent colors, when should I put them in? I thought I read somewhere that you should do it before you heat it up, is that correct? Also I have seen heat stabilizer mentioned a few times...what is it? and where can I get it? and when do I use it? Sorry for the 20 questions but I am jsut starting off and I can use all the advice I can get. Oh and one more question, where can I get the halographic flake, if there is such a thing?


Alby <+><

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You need to add the fluorescent colors before heating the plastic. Otherwise, you'll have a big glumpy mess. You don't need to add heat stabilizer unless you're pouring with lots of salt in the mixture. You can get heat stabilizer and holographic flake from both Lure Craft and MF Manufacturing.

Lure Craft - 1-800-925-9088

MF - www.fishingworld.com/M-F-Manufacturing

If you plan to pour with salt or are constantly heating and reheating plastic, then you should add the stabilizer, but in very small amounts. About 1/2 ounce per gallon of plastic is more than enough.


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Heat stabilizer will help keep your smokes, purples, ambers, etc from yellowing. Really a good thing to use on the lighter translucent colors. Also seems to keep the plastic heating and puring better in the hot pot (I like to run my plastic pretty warm).

I have had decent results using flo colors even after the plastic is hot. Just need to use more. This is mostly with Lurecraft color.

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