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Help On Powder Painting

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I am new to powder painting. I have a question for the experts. I am using black, red, silver, and chartreuse. The black, red, and silver does fine. I am using the same process for the chartruese, but when I bake it in the oven it runs. My process is to heat up the 1 oz. jig head with torch counting to six, dip in powder and bake. The jar says to bake at 350 for 15 minutes. I have even tried to bake at 300 instead of 350, still runs. The problem with the run is that it makes a sharp point on the nose and hardens. Thanks in advance for any tips.

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There are (2) possible problems. #1......You are putting on too much paint would be my guess. If this is Pro-Tec powder paint ( yellow chart.) then to me this is the easiest paint color to apply, because it goes on very thin. Actually if you don't use a white base coat, you have to put on two coats because the grey color of the jig will show through giving the color a less vibrant appeal. #2.......Make sure your toaster oven is putting out 350 degrees not 450 degrees. Toaster ovens are notorious for not being accurate using their numbered dial. Get an oven thermometer and put it in the oven and see what temp it shows based on your knob location.Just my two cents.

Edited by cadman
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Bryan, I had the same problem when I started. First of all just heat that jig head a second or so less until you get it right. Your jig head is to hot cause it to pick up to much paint. One other thing is to always stir your paint to make it "fluffy" before you dip that hot jig in there. If you don't once again to much paint can end up on your jig head.

Edited by Ranger Jockey
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