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Belly Dimples

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Thanks Craig but I do it the same way iot just seems that the filler is always below the surface of the lure. Maybe I just have to add more coats to level it off.


maybe your sanding the filler too much. Sand it till the filler is still feathering the outside of the hole instead of sanding till the filler resembles a perfect circle.

Only happy to offer advice Waynee.

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Now thats what I am talking about, I you guys come up with a answer. I always sand till it is just the hole showing I will try feathering it, Don't know why I didn't think of that.

Thanks a great deal.


Try using "plumbers putty" also called plumber's epoxy instead of wood filler. It doesn't shrink and its waterproof.

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Epoxy putty is great stuff - works fast and holds hard but you want to smooth and level it before it cures hard. After it cures, it's harder than wood and is hard to sand without cratering out the softer wood surrounding it (maybe not a problem on large musky baits where you can use a sanding block but it can be a pain on small bass baits). I like the putty for installing weights and integrated belly hangers. Just pop some in the hole (which should be just slightly oversize) and use needle nose pliers to push the belly weight/hanger in. Excess squeezes out and in five minutes you're back to building. I also use it when I'm re-lipping a crankbait and have a slot that's larger than the new lip. I smooth the epoxy with a finger dipped in denatured alcohol. BTW, a tip on integrated belly weights/hangers - roll them between 2 flat files to give them a rough texture and provide the epoxy more surface to grip.

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