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Coleman Stove Propane Setup

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Has anyone ever set up a propane stove with a 20 lb propane tank for melting lead? I know the small canisters of propane are nearly 3 bucks apiece and was trying to get a more economical setup. What size fitting would you need to attach to the stove input and where would you get it? Or can you just get a fitting to adapt to where you screw in the small propane canisters?

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I tried that once and my grate wasn't strong enough for the lead and a cast iron pot. So I bought a cheap turkey fryer ($20) from BPS and just used the bottom half of the stand. It was already hooked up for a 20# propane tank. Best 20 buck I ever spent.

Well I just took an old outdoor grill grate and layed across of the coleman stove and that part is fine. Just the expense of the small propane canister that I'm trying to get away from. Those turkey fryers at BPS are 43.00 delivered now.

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I did the same for my ice fishing heater the company called ready heater sells an adapter I think menard or a hardware store should have them

Yup - did the same thing. In my case, I found a hose which has POL threads on one end (cylinder), and 1lb cylinder threads on the other (stove end). The hose should be available at any sporting goods (ie camping, etc) store - I want to say it was $15 +/-. Works well.


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