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Da big tuna

Eyes On My Powder Paint Jigs

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I have a question for ya all, I had a batch of jigs I put eyes on . They were powder painted and cured and then I painted the eyes on. The eyes scratch off pretty easy.

Should I paint the eyes on before I cure in the oven? I could do a clear coat as well I guess but I would rather not. I use the eye paint pen by component systems

I'm not sure I have the correct order .Thanks For any Help


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A powder paint clear coat? I sure hope two little dots don't explode because I wouldn't want the bottle of paint in my house. Eeks :o

I use the liquid clear coat from Component Systems for my jigs. I paint the eyes on then after they dry, I dip in the clear and let it cure for a couple days.

And yes, a couple dots of flammable paint on 500 jigs will go Boom! Had a buddy that blew up his garage cause of this! I store the laquer paint I use for my eyes in the house during the winter, just got to keep it away from the kids and any flames.

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So would it be safe to say I can use devcon 2t epoxy as a top coat and it wont run my eyes? This eyeball thing is driving me crazy. I love eyeballs on my jigs. Isnt there a paint thats easy to use that I can dot without a topcoat on powder paint that wont come off? ARRRRRGH :(:lol: I will not rest till I have it down .

Edited by Da big tuna
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