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New Tutorial and Website

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I always wanted to build an online tutorrial as I have gotten many questions from friends a cofishers concerning how I have made some of my baits. It turned out to be one heck of alot harder than I thought it would be. I am a junior high shop teacher who is used to having to provide great detail when explaining things to my students. Since this is my first website, be kind if you choose to review it for me. Of course constructive critisism is always welcome. If printed out this sucker is about 40 pages long. See what you think guys . The link to the tutorial is:


My main page is :


of course they are linked together.

Thanks for taking a look in advance.

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I think it is great Hoosier! I read through the entire tutorial and even picked up a couple of ideas......never heard about the 3-d eyes with the glue gun. I tried 3 times but never could get all of the pictures to load. I am guessing that my dial-up connection "timed out". It may be possible to correct this by breaking the tutorial into sections. Great job tho, very informative!


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Super-kick-butt-rock-&-roll job on the tut buddy! Well done. I don't think anyone would have troubles building one of your pulse minnows following the instructions. When I get a chance I'm gonna try to build one.

I couldn't get all the images to load either but you can remedy that by breaking the tut down into pages after every 5 or 6 steps.


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I do have some polishing up to do on it I realize ie. better linking between pages, more attractive font, more info including contact info on the main page. It is a work in progress. After all that work in putting together the turorial though I needed the pat on the back. Does anyone want me to provide a link to their page? I would do that if you want, after all... without all the advice and encouragement I have gained through this site and it's users, I would have given up on hard baits a LONG time ago

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I haven't tried using the hot glue technique on prism tape. It might work. I have tried it on holographic wrapping paper and sequins, both which curled due to the heat of the glue. One thing about using this technique is while you are covering the black dot keep the puddle of glue as shallow as possible by using the tip of the glue gun to spread it out. The thinner the puddle, the clearer the eyes will look. Also don't be discouraged if they aren't 100% clear. Devcon has a weird effect on them as it cures. It may be the heat envolved in the curing processes but it turns them clear as glass... kinda cool

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