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Best Way To Make A 2 Piece Mold?

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Hello everyone im new to pouring and so far I've been pretty succesful with pouring one sided pop molds and would like to make a 2 piece mold now. I've tried a couple of times now with pop and cant seem to get a really tight seam,also I've been having an issue with the top of my pours beeing slightly hollow? is there a solution to these issues ive been having maybe any tips that may help me with these situations?any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Not sure about the seam but the hollow part is due to not enough sprue on the cavity. If you have room on the mold carve out a larger sprue and this should solve your problem. Don't know what you're pouring but the larger the bait the larger the sprue. Here's a pic of one of Bear's molds...the part above the bait that gets cut off is the sprue.

mold photo

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