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Pouring Lead Problems

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I usually hang out in the hard baits forum, but thought I would visit and pose a problem I have.

I tried pouring some lead into a "real" weight mould and couldn't get it to work right. Here's what I did...

1. Heated the lead until thoroughly melted in a steel ladle.

2. Immediately poured the lead into the mould

3. Tried various pour rates and always....

had the lead harden on the "input funnel/spout?" before it actually filled the mould.

What am I doing wrong? I tried a few times including pre-heating the mould slightly and same thing happened.


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Hi out2llunge,

I used to use a steel ladle, still have it. I remember you need to get that lead hotter then hot, because as soon as you take it off the fire, it'll start to set up. Also you need to have the cavity your pouring into as hot as you can get it.

I'm not sure what your pouring, but I would say pour until it hardens and open the mold and remove the lead and pour ASAP and keep that up until that mold takes all the lead needed to fill the cavity.

Besure the input funnel/spout is large enough to accept the lead. If it's to small, it'll harden before it gets in. Hope this helps a little. Good luck!

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I have experienced this many times. I have three thoughts:

1: Make sure that you are getting a good even stream of lead entering the mold. I have found that good lead preasure effects this. If you are hitting the side of the opening then you may be losing the momentum before it enters the mold causing it to hang up and harden.

2: You say you are heating the mold first. I have a Hilts bullet weight mold that I have this problem with. But the more I pour in it the better it gets. Preheating may not be enough. For some reason this mold needs several pours before it gets hot enough to give good results. Each pour progressively gets better.

3: Try burning the mold with a candle and get the entire cavity coated with black smutt. This helps the lead flow.

Keep us posted.

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