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Multiple cavitity molding??

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If I made a resin mold out of 1 prototype(worm for example), and then I poured like 6 plastic worms. Could I then put all six of them as the masters and make a new resin mold with 6 cavities?? would the worms hold up against the resin?? Maybe with a little release spray? Any help would be greatly appreciated because I made the perfect mold with only one cavity and I would love to duplicate it for efficiency purposes...




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Alby, that is how I have made several molds. With the resin, you won't need a release agent. The heat generated by the resin will naturally seperate it from the plastic. However, the heat of the resin does ruin the plastic.

You might have a few little pieces of plastic stuck inside of the cavities. If so, just use a dremel or blunt object to scrape them out. The dremel is great for touching up any little inperfections in the mold.

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Hey guys thanks for the tips. It came out great, had a few pieces of plastic still in it but very little and easy to get out, had to come to work today or else I would have started pouring right away. One more question while Im here, Woodsac I remember a little while back reading that you used Pam before pouring the plastics, is this needed or can you just our directly into the resin mold? Also do you guys seal the resin mold with anything??




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I use garlic pam for a few reasons.

It keeps the bait from sticking in the mold, it keeps it from sticking to itself if you have do any trimming and the garlic is just good to help keep any unwanted smells from getting on the plastic while you're handeling it. It won't soak into the bait, so you can still use any scent you want in or on the plastic. I only use a very light coat.

I've found that when I'm pouring 50+ baits at once (with 6-10 cavity molds) the plastic tends to stick in the mold (on the smaller parts of the mold) after the first couple of pours. I don't seal it with anything. Maybe that's why it sticks sometimes. :wink:

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I am new myself and so I go through a lot of trial and error. The resin I bought was car/boat stuff from wal-mart, most of the other guys that I have seen at least, use the same stuff. You can get it at walmart in the automotive dept by the bondo, in fact its made by bondo. It is only like 8 or 9 bucks for 32 ozs. Not bad compared to places like hobby lobby who charge like 20 bucks for the same stuff only clear. ANyways, if you use the resin, make sure you dont use too hard of a master to mold, I found out that the hard way and wasted a lot of good resin. You should do a search for molds and resin on this sight and it should bring up some good postings for you, that is what I did and I got LOADS of info. I am still experimenting with one piece molds but since I am thoroughly addicted now I am sure I will venture into the 2 piece molding eventually and the unknown..anways hope this helps, good luck


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