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copper wire for crankbaits

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I have bought wire from the site that blackjack gave. He was kind enough to suggest these folks to me. They have an excellent price and are real good people to work with. I was pleased. If you need it real fast then you can get 20 gauge copper wire on a spool at Wal Mart in the hardware section. However, I prefer 18 guage or .040 in thickness. 20 ga. is .031 but will work for smaller cranks.


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Copper or brass is too soft for wire through lures. I use stainless steel piano wire for the smaller ones and 1/32 or 1/16 inch stainless steel TIG welding wire for the big tough musky baits like the crazy Gator Musky Lure. Piano wire can be bought at cabelos in many sizes for making baits or spinners. Welding wire can be bought at any hardware store or welding supply. TIG welding wire comes in 3 ft lenths.

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If you are talking about musky baits copper or brass might be alittle light and I agree that piano wire might be the ticket. But if you are making baits for bass copper or brass is plenty tough. I have been making thru wire plugs utilizing brass wire for about 4 years now. I nor any of my customers has ever had any problems with largemouth bass up to 9 lbs and smallmouth bass up to 6 pounds. I prefer the brass or copper wire because with this type of wire in a thru wire bait I have a higher percentage of baits that hunt. It is also alot easier to use. All of my wire harness baits are soldered together so that there is no way the wire will pull out.


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Blackjack is dead right. The brass or copper is used by a lot of the top wood bait builders. It was also used in the early Bagleys Balsa Baits. They were really the ones to start this hunting craze. The brass or copper is strong enough for everyday wear and tear but, soft enough to flex allowing the bait to have a better chance to hunt. Jeff and I have used it in all of our balsa baits. No Problems.

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I have some copper wire and lots of it. I miked it at .035".

I am willing to give some to anyone that can use it. You will have to

pay shipping from zip code 38401. I will mail a sample to anyone who

wants it if they will send me a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Send envelope to:

Emory Cole

103 Jefferson Dr

Columbia, TN 38401

It seems to be darn tough stuff.

I can send some short pieces in an envelope.

Hope I can return some favors on this one.


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