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Norwegian Wood Lures

My Bad Im A Poor Speller Its Called :fabulon

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What i was trying to spell was fabulon it is a product to endure the had hits of a bowling ball . The reason i tryed it was i saw on another web site in a mention with no desciption why or what they had found anybody out there used it or tryed it !!!!

Alright, this may come across rude so as a forwarning I want you to know I mean it as a joke but at the same time I am curious..............What are you talking about?lol Noone else had said anything to enlighten me so I thouht I would go straight to the source. haha

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I remember your first post - I Googled the first time and got zero results. Fabulon - Min Wax polyurethane for bowling alleys and other high traffic floor areas. Sound intriguing BUT it's not clear to me how water resistant it is since it's designed for interior floors. Good enough for baits? I don't know and haven't read about any TU'ers using it. So far, there seem to be 3 clear coat finishes that are widely accepted as "the right stuff" for baits: epoxy, moisture cured polyurethane, and high solids 2 part auto clears.

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I guess I didn't see the original post. I was lost. I knew what that you were asking about a product for something but I didn't know what you were talking about as far as your spelling. It was the same in you post and title. haha I didn't realize there was another post.

My advice is try it and see unless like BobP said it isn't waterproof. If it is you could give it a try. There are things similar to some of the floor finishes that people us. Heck, etex is similar, but you don't really know until you try.

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What i was trying to spell was fabulon it is a product to endure the had hits of a bowling ball . The reason i tryed it was i saw on another web site in a mention with no desciption why or what they had found anybody out there used it or tryed it !!!!

NWL- Try here, http://www.roemer.net/essex/fabulon.htm

There is quite a few places selling this in the U.S, but no luck here (Australia), I notice someone is also selling it in the U.K so maybe it would be simple to get it over to Norway from there.

Let us all know how it goes. Pete

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