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Basstackle's New Swimbait Mold?

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Looks like he has 8 new molds out in one week so far. And they all really LOOK GOOD. It is only mid week. Check it out guys he is on a roll and that is good for all of us. Frank

to many molds and not enough money. lol man with all these molds i never have to go and buy that junk at the wally worlds.

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Looks like he has 8 new molds out in one week so far. And they all really LOOK GOOD. It is only mid week. Check it out guys he is on a roll and that is good for all of us. Frank

Well guys the talley is up to 15 new molds this week so for not bad for a follower. I have to give him credit that is some pretty impressive work. The variety is all over the board. Keep it coming Kevin. Frank

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I'll defend Kevin since he doesn't post here. That comment of Bear's was just uncalled for and untrue. As it would have been if Kevin would have posted that regarding Bear.

As customers, I think we all just want a variety and we know the mold guys are all looking to put out the most sought after molds. One will be ahead on some and others on another.

Variety is the spice of life but don't pee in the corn flakes :D


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Man, your posts get hijacked more than any others Ive seen. lol.

To answer your original question, I got that mold. One of the first I think. The one I got has a insert for hollow body only.( the BT) But you can buy the other mold available with a hook slot insert. (THE BUG EYE).

We are seeing lots of new molds out for sure. Good for everybody. Kevin is driving me nuts and making me poor at he same time. All his stuff is top shelf.

I have seen your molds Jim. If you want a hollow body, add a round alum rod across the top of your insert and slip it out the bottom rather than out the tail. Very easy fix for all the molds you got already. I did it , works great. Just wanted a 4" to add to the collection.

Hope you got an answer. That is what this place is for. For me anyway. Sharing ideas and spreading knowledge.

Edited by FISHGOD
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Thanks FG!!!! Looking forward to your info and pics.

I did do just as you stated on the mods but had mine machined so I could take it out the tail like what is being sold.

Funny thing is, I like the action of the hollow belly better and so far, so do the fish. My hook-up ratio is lower with hollow body vs hollow belly but that is another topic all together! I'll continue to test and try on the water!!


PS I wonder if I can claim that all others are followers as, as far as I can tell, I was the first to put color inside the hollow baits... Follow the leader!! LOL!!!! Could not resist!!! (Of course, I am just kidding...relax!!!)

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Well Mr. Ghost maybe in your eyes it is uncalled for but in mine it is not. He does not think for himself. He copy's others ideals. look through his mold collection he has copied a lot of our stuff and others. HE IS A COPY ARTIST PERIOD!! I sent him emails but he does not respond. As far as you I really do not care what you think. You do not run my business and I do not need you telling me what is right and wrong. I simply made a statement that was not a Lie and if you do not like my Post please do not read them.

If I posted something untrue prove it look at his hollow body swim bait, Look at his side ports Look at his injectors look at his tip molds. Dont come off telling me I lie you have no clue!!

We have set a Standard and they are playing follow the leader regardless if you like it or not.

I did not Blast No One I Made A TRUE statement.Do not come on here and call me a Liar! I have about had enough of your crap!

You Have a Problem with me CALL ME 9845-969-1390 and You Know I will answer my Phone!!

Shezzzzzzzz what a loser!

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Hijacking posts and stirring up trouble is uncalled for Mr. Bear's Baits.

If you can't say anything regarding my post about anybody seeing or having this particular mold then why post. Start your own post about you issue please.

Let's not talk about copying almost every mold made has been copied from a previous bait or mold. As in buzz type frogs, craw baits, straight tail worms, curly tail worms, etc.


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Hijacking posts and stirring up trouble is uncalled for Mr. Bear's Baits.

If you can't say anything regarding my post about anybody seeing or having this particular mold then why post. Start your own post about you issue please.

Let's not talk about copying almost every mold made has been copied from a previous bait or mold. As in buzz type frogs, craw baits, straight tail worms, curly tail worms, etc.


LOL Like I said what A Loser You Have My Number USE IT or Shut The Hell UP

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U R crazy in the head dude!

And to clarify my post on all molds being copies of baits, I did not refer to Bear molds in particular. Del's Bob's, Kevin's, Bear's are all copies in some way of a previous bait with very few exceptions.


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As a leader in the hand injection arena, you should be more than ready for others to look at your work and attempt to replicate or improve that work. Look around man, that is the world. Some of our website hits are from competitiors looking at what we are doing. It is all good. Just take it to the next level dude.

All I am asking is respect for my posts and questions on this forum. I never called you a liar and never would. If you have issues with other mold manufacturers i think you should take taht up with them directly and allow a conversation regarding other products to be had without ranting.


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This shit stops now......

Everyone needs to remember where they started, Bear, no one called you out when you formed your business around a Presto Pot design published here, and no one (other than Del) had issues with you undercutting Del on Calhoun plastic. We're letting business get in the way of common courtesy and it won't be tolerated HERE.

If I called one of your forum members a "loser" for asking a question about one of my competitors products, you would deal with me swiftly. I value everyone here too much to start pulling warnings and playing the ban card..... Were all adults.............lets start acting like ones.

If you have an issue with a competitor, take it up with THEM, not their patrons, not here.

Thank you for your instant and complete cooperation here at tackleunderground.


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Jerry this is your forum and you run it as you see fit.

As far as the comment I made it was a Joke maybe you should look at the laughing face I put at the bottom of the post

I never once called anyone out. This Cry Baby you got on here Ghost Baits always make stuff to what it is not. He talks about hijacking post

someone post a picture of my swim bait and he post pics of his. Then I make a funny about something and it blows out of proportion. I never called anyone out.

I have been slammed on here more time than I care to count by Ghost Baits. I work my butt off with my business , I pay money to advertise here and can not even promote my products. So Jerry you run your business as I see fit and I will continue to run mine as I see fit. Seems there is one person on here Ghost Baits that is always stirring Shit and he gets by with it as long as he is not challenged. How many altercations has he had on this site Jerry? He is Shit Stirrer that thinks he is better than everyone else. I owe Ghost Baits Nothing.

So as far as I am concerned you are correct the shit stops here!! I am done with TU. You can delete my account ban me or whatever you want. I will not be called a Liar by Ghost Baits here or any where else.

I have spoke my peace and have nothing more to say about it. Delete my account and cancel my ads here. I will promote my business elsewhere. As much as I have enjoyed being here and as much as I have learned I suppose it is time I bow out. I do not need it. Seems every time I come on here lately I have to get in to something with Ghost Baits. I have had enough.

Thanks for the service you have supplied me to date and I wish you luck in the future.

So Long TU now maybe Ghost can rest easier that Bear Is gone. Find someone else to call a liar and complain about Ghost!!

This shit stops now......

Everyone needs to remember where they started, Bear, no one called you out when you formed your business around a Presto Pot design published here, and no one (other than Del) had issues with you undercutting Del on Calhoun plastic. We're letting business get in the way of common courtesy and it won't be tolerated HERE.

If I called one of your forum members a "loser" for asking a question about one of my competitors products, you would deal with me swiftly. I value everyone here too much to start pulling warnings and playing the ban card..... Were all adults.............lets start acting like ones.

If you have an issue with a competitor, take it up with THEM, not their patrons, not here.

Thank you for your instant and complete cooperation here at tackleunderground.


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That's the problem with this place. They like to protect a select few JERK OFFS!! Lets see Del, Ghost baits, do i need to go on. You have to be part of the special club. Thats why I don't come on here anymore or any of my friends to much high school bullshit. All I can say is bears baits has the best customer service I have ever seen, and is leading way in molds and hand injection. Everyone is playing copy cat even DEL. I can't tell you how many times i read things on here bad mouthing injectors. Know look at all the losers coming out of the wood works. God for bid people have to work or think for themselves. We all i can say is F**k this place I'm out.

Here you go :finger: to TU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That's the problem with this place. They like to protect a select few JERK OFFS!! Lets see Del, Ghost baits, do i need to go on. You have to be part of the special club. Thats why I don't come on here anymore or any of my friends to much high school bullshit. All I can say is bears baits has the best customer service I have ever seen, and is leading way in molds and hand injection. Everyone is playing copy cat even DEL. I can't tell you how many times i read things on here bad mouthing injectors. Know look at all the losers coming out of the wood works. God for bid people have to work or think for themselves. We all i can say is F**k this place I'm out.

Here you go :finger: to TU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woooh dude back the truck up, keep me out of this one.

I think this thread is funnier then Crap " its Like the "POT calling the Kettle black"


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What Del, u don't have a hollow swim bait mold you would like to show off??

What I guess I don't get about this whole arguement, passed the point that this is not even the question I posted up, is that isn't a hollow body swim bait a rip off of the Basstrix? I mean, they are the ones that developed it. Seems like copying or something. Goes straight to the core of your copying arguement. So nana-nana-boo-boo...

To the fact of calling Bear a liar, I did not. I did say his statement is untrue and UNCALLED FOR (that didn't get quoted or dennounced so i guess some think it was OK). Does anyone really think that another mold manufacturer could see another guys design, design it in the software, cut the mold, and get it on their site in days? If so, let one of the molds guys enlighten you. That claim is absurd and untrue. That design has been in the pipes for a looong time.

Zoom released the Ulra vibe speed craw years before the look-a-like mold. What about getting all holier than thou on that??? Or Bob's buzz frogs, sure seems there is a close resemblance to that mold too. That is a tired arguement for not being able to take the competition with other mold makers.

Time for Spring Break and the beach. Hope you whiney azzes take some Prozac before I get back!! :D (Smiley face so you know I was just kidding!)


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What Del, u don't have a hollow swim bait mold you would like to show off??


had them for 4-5 years( about 8 months after I posted how to make the insert for them on the basstrix baits) just not on the shopping cart, they are pretty expensive to do CORRECTLY with the correct tail and the was some customers want them, oh yeah and they were both hand pour and Hand injection, the big 10 and 12" ones are used in California, some on the east coast and austraila for saltwater. there the sought after ones.

see now I giot sucked into this dumb thread thanks


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