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Basstackle's New Swimbait Mold?

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Oh yeah, brought you to the dark side! :lol:

I hope you have an official notarized statement and picture to back up your claims of your molds or else the mold police are going to come get you!


Really gone now! Heading down to put my feet in the sand. Let me have it while I can't respond!!! LOL!!

Edited by ghostbaits
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I do not need to defend anyone here. But just some information on basstackle. Kevin has become a good friend and we talk alot through emails. Now in some of our conversations I had to ask why some of his products are the same as bobs. Simple answer he and bob are cousins and worked on the molds together as a team. TEAM is the key word here. Not copying each other. So it may look like there is copying but think about it. Google there addresses they are less than a mile from each other and grew up together, there fathers worked in machine shops together. Does it make sence NOW. There is no need to go through all this fuss over molds, LIFE IS TO SHORT. Think about this, these are my thoughts. They have the same software(or real close) same machines and have been working in the same field for years. Do they think alike Yes.

I will call out Jim on the mold process though. Kevin has gone from my email to a finished mold on his site from my afternoon break to a finished mold by the time i went to bed, boughtit and shipped it out the next day before noon. I wont tell tou guys which one though.

And Bear I have great respect for you and all others here on the board so I am sorry you feel that way. You make some of the finest molds around let your quality speak for you. It has to me. To me there is no best. I enjoy you all.

Hope this clears up a few things for all that care to read more of this. Frank

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HOLY CRAP AGAIN WITH THE GIRLS!!!!! just knock it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am in highschool mind you and i have never seen adults act this STUPID!!!! get over yourselves!!!!! and yes reef am talking to you,, you are continuing the arguing and slander, all of you knock it off!!!!

Edited by DeltaMan
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HOLY CRAP AGAIN WITH THE GIRLS!!!!! just knock it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am in highschool mind you and i have never seen adults act this STUPID!!!! get over yourselves!!!!! and yes reef am talking to you,, you are continuing the arguing and slander, all of you knock it off!!!!

Hey delta look what you have to look forward to when you get older. And let this be a lesson to you. Frank

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i knew bear was joking just like i was joking about pins and wing nuts. the day i posted it i lost a pin under my work bench and its still missing. i buy molds from bear baits bobs, basstackle and a whole bunch from del. so i was kidding. i will still buy from each of them.. also i buy a bunch of rtv molds from lc.

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HOLY CRAP AGAIN WITH THE GIRLS!!!!! just knock it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am in highschool mind you and i have never seen adults act this STUPID!!!! get over yourselves!!!!! and yes reef am talking to you,, you are continuing the arguing and slander, all of you knock it off!!!!

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HOLY CRAP AGAIN WITH THE GIRLS!!!!! just knock it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am in highschool mind you and i have never seen adults act this STUPID!!!! get over yourselves!!!!! and yes reef am talking to you,, you are continuing the arguing and slander, all of you knock it off!!!!

Well high school boy, I have been around here longer then you seen more stuff. So zip ur lips jerk off. Until you know what your are talking about . :finger to U and TU

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I see Ghost baits tried to edit some of his posts but let it be a lesson when you do so make sure your not quoted first as you can see he has no control over those statements. Anal comes to mind laugh.gif Oh There's the smiley face so I'm just kidding, give me a break!

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i knew bear was joking just like i was joking about pins and wing nuts. the day i posted it i lost a pin under my work bench and its still missing. i buy molds from bear baits bobs, basstackle and a whole bunch from del. so i was kidding. i will still buy from each of them.. also i buy a bunch of rtv molds from lc.

Hey dave I am with you on the wing nuts chuck them and use clamps. Release the clamp and you have baits falling out all over. Not the pin ones though. Working on my production now and these are a waste of time. Frank

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This shit stops now......

Everyone needs to remember where they started, Bear, no one called you out when you formed your business around a Presto Pot design published here, and no one (other than Del) had issues with you undercutting Del on Calhoun plastic. We're letting business get in the way of common courtesy and it won't be tolerated HERE.

If I called one of your forum members a "loser" for asking a question about one of my competitors products, you would deal with me swiftly. I value everyone here too much to start pulling warnings and playing the ban card..... Were all adults.............lets start acting like ones.

If you have an issue with a competitor, take it up with THEM, not their patrons, not here.

Thank you for your instant and complete cooperation here at tackleunderground.


Jerry, you are such HYPOCRITE. You absolutely have a problem with the way Dave Alexander does things, especially when it conflicts with anything that Del does. If you didn't have a problem with the him taking Del's business from Calhoun's, why did you even bring it up.

It was Dave's posts that got pulled when he got into it with Del and now it's Dave that's getting censored with this chump Jim from Ghostbaits. He got his hands smacked a little for some of his senseless comments on Dave's site and he's been digging at Dave ever since. He is such a punk. I've been on this site for a couple of years now, and it's exactly this kind of politics and hypocrysy that has kept me from becoming a paid member. Isn't it funny that the only time I've seen you threaten someone with the "ban card" is with Dave. Imagine that. If you had such a problem with him, why didn't you refuse his membership and his advertising money. Like I said, HYPOCRITE. I've had all this garbage I can handle. I'm done with TU. You people are nowhere near being evenhanded or fair. Cancel my membership along with Dave's. Goodbye and good riddance. JIM

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You are absolutely wrong.......

Bear and I had multiple conversations over the phone and he will be happy to tell you that I had no problem with him picking up Calhoun products, I encouraged him.

We love competition, it leads to innovation and lower prices but we wont tolerate bickering over business here period.

You dont know who's been reprimanded, warned, suspended or banned here, but I'll tell you one thing, all the usual suspects are here, and the ones you claim I'm "protecting" will tell you when they overstepped, I let them know.

Don't throw memberships, or advertising accolades at me like it's a free pass to be an asshole here, I dont' give a shit, obey the rules or leave, if you can't handle yourselves respectfully, We don't want you here.

Over nearly a decade of running this site, I've never witnessed such a vile thread here, you all have really outdone yourselves, congratulations.

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Jerry, you are such HYPOCRITE. You absolutely have a problem with the way Dave Alexander does things, especially when it conflicts with anything that Del does. If you didn't have a problem with the him taking Del's business from Calhoun's, why did you even bring it up.

It was Dave's posts that got pulled when he got into it with Del and now it's Dave that's getting censored with this chump Jim from Ghostbaits. He got his hands smacked a little for some of his senseless comments on Dave's site and he's been digging at Dave ever since. He is such a punk. I've been on this site for a couple of years now, and it's exactly this kind of politics and hypocrysy that has kept me from becoming a paid member. Isn't it funny that the only time I've seen you threaten someone with the "ban card" is with Dave. Imagine that. If you had such a problem with him, why didn't you refuse his membership and his advertising money. Like I said, HYPOCRITE. I've had all this garbage I can handle. I'm done with TU. You people are nowhere near being evenhanded or fair. Cancel my membership along with Dave's. Goodbye and good riddance. JIM

Jim your absolutely wrong big time. I dont remember the thread 100% but you could pm it to me I would be more than happy to let you know what happened.

I am guessing it was about injectors that Dak Started Dak likes to stir a bunch of shit. read the thread with an open mind. instead of a tainted one.

I dont come on here ever to promote my products I only come here to help people with questions. I been doing it for nearly 10 years and before I even made molds on another site., not to mention I have helped people on this site with anyones products, i dont know why some of you guys have a dasination with me but its kinda flattering ;)

I dont have friends or customers post my products either on this website never had. i send friends and customers over here so they can get help with questions they may have. , things have changed over the last 2 years, seems like alot of cheerleaders come on to promote products and very few help anyone anymore and when they do help someones jumps down someones throat about it.


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Jerry, you are such HYPOCRITE. You absolutely have a problem with the way Dave Alexander does things, especially when it conflicts with anything that Del does. If you didn't have a problem with the him taking Del's business from Calhoun's, why did you even bring it up.

It was Dave's posts that got pulled when he got into it with Del and now it's Dave that's getting censored with this chump Jim from Ghostbaits. He got his hands smacked a little for some of his senseless comments on Dave's site and he's been digging at Dave ever since. He is such a punk. I've been on this site for a couple of years now, and it's exactly this kind of politics and hypocrysy that has kept me from becoming a paid member. Isn't it funny that the only time I've seen you threaten someone with the "ban card" is with Dave. Imagine that. If you had such a problem with him, why didn't you refuse his membership and his advertising money. Like I said, HYPOCRITE. I've had all this garbage I can handle. I'm done with TU. You people are nowhere near being evenhanded or fair. Cancel my membership along with Dave's. Goodbye and good riddance. JIM

Jim your absolutely wrong big time. I dont remember the thread 100% but you could pm it to me I would be more than happy to let you know what happened.

I am guessing it was about injectors that Dak Started Dak likes to stir a bunch of shit. read the thread with an open mind. instead of a tainted one.

I dont come on here ever to promote my products I only come here to help people with questions. I been doing it for nearly 10 years and before I even made molds on another site., not to mention I have helped people on this site with anyones products, i dont know why some of you guys have a dasination with me but its kinda flattering ;)

I dont have friends or customers post my products either on this website never had. i send friends and customers over here so they can get help with questions they may have. , things have changed over the last 2 years, seems like alot of cheerleaders come on to promote products and very few help anyone anymore and when they do help someones jumps down someones throat about it.


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Jim your absolutely wrong big time. I dont remember the thread 100% but you could pm it to me I would be more than happy to let you know what happened.

I am guessing it was about injectors that Dak Started Dak likes to stir a bunch of shit. read the thread with an open mind. instead of a tainted one.


Hey Dillhole, Take your head out of your ass for a minute, I started shit in one thread recently that was unintentional and resolved between myself and another member so can it. On your forum, all i did was ask a simple question.

Im done as well, delete my account here and Del, delete mine of at your shit hole as well (aint done me any good since i joined anyway)

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