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Calhoun Plastic question

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If you look at a post I did about a month ago, you will see that I had the same problem. Now I have a new problem, the guys I pour for loved the baits and that is all they want from now on. I saved the 5 gallons of plastic for them and I am nearly out. I have been in touch with Calhoun plastics and I am trying to get them to copy the plastic I have. I think you will find that you are going to have the same problem. The baits feel soooo real that it is hard to believe. My answer to you is to get in another 5 gallons and save the soft stuff for yourself or one of your customers. The baits are nasty feeling but let them dry over night and they are managable.


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Today, I stirred the bucked for about 10 minutes and then poured some out into misc. containers which would be easier to work with. Aparrently, I hadn't done a good enough job of the stirring yesterday; today the baits I molded are about twice as hard.

I think I will add softner to the whole batch to get it about halfway between yesterday's and today's pours.

Thanks for the info, folks!


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