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New cheap lead pot?

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Mr. CJ

I gather from your post that you do not have a Lee Prod, IV.........I pour alot of buzzer bodies for a customer of mine, and the mold, with the buzz wire sticking out of it, does not fit under my 20 pound pot. It does, however, fit under my 10 pound pot.

So, do some cost justification, and buy yourself a 10 lb lee pot, too.

Trust me.



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Just buy the little Lee Ladle, warm it up good in the pot and pour them with that. :D

Holds 2 oz , not hard on the wrist and you can have mold sitting flat on the bench top, for safty. :lol:

If the coffee pot warming thing got hot enough to melt lead it would boil out the pot in about 10 mins. :huh:


But if you were to rigg it to run on ******, opps better shut up now before someone burns down their house and blames me. :twisted:

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No, stop do not continue on this path.

It will get tippy, not good. :pissed:

You just stick the scoop part of the ladle in the lead till it warms,

and the lead doesn't stick(harded) in it.

Slag all the gunk off the top then get a scoop out and pour.

Works good out of the 10, better out of the 20.

I even do it out of the hot pots.

Pre-heating the mold is a good habit to get it to also.

Change that it is a must. :wink:

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Do-it molds have it stated that any mold that has protrusions (wires)out side of there molds are to be ladle poured.

Also you will not get a quick fill from the 10 lber and will get lots of shorts and flow lines.

Been pouring lead for twenty years now and have got a few tricks and mistakes under my belt.

A small Lee Ladle is like 3-5 bucks.

They are made about thirty miles from here but they sell cheaper out of state.

Just had my 10lber go down after 15 years of service, lead melted through the bottom of the pot.

Trying to see if they will fix it or sell me a new pot liner.

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I pour both spinnerbaits and buzzbaits of all sizes out of three 10 lb Lee production pots. If you'll heat your mold and hold the mold at a slight angle you'll have no problems. If you get short pours make sure you smoke your mold. If it's still a problem, change the angle of your mold. I can pour them faster than my wife can take them out of the mold and load the wires.(I use more than one mold at a time)

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I don't have a lead pot, but I have heard that some use a big cast iron pot on a turkey fryer base (actually heard of this on one of the two boards as an efficient way to melt a bunch of lead to clear the slag i.e. using wheel weights)

Also, in Livingston's book, he mentions that the trick to doing spinnerbaits, etc with a production pot is to machine/drill the pour cavities of your mold to mate exactly with the pour spout of the production pot.

As I said, I've not yet poured, so am unsure whether this would apply today...(it was an early edition of the book from 10 yrs or so ago)

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I do the turkey /cast iron pot out side to get the lead from big chunks and pipes down to small bars and get it slagged out.

Then I grade the bars, mark them hard or soft.

I pour my spinner baits with the wires striaght so get all of them under the pot can be a pain.

But I used to do-it that way.

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