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Injection Machine

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I don't know Jon. After seeing his idea of putting the foam around his hand injector and the excellent cnc work he does on his molds, I'll bet it is top notch.

I'd put it in a box also as it will be replicated quickly. I am loving that hand mixer handle!!!!


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I am not sure why people are so scared of these machines. I guess I just dont see the danger because I use tools every day. Hot plastic is not on my danger list. I hope this sparks alot of interest and more machines come out. They usually correct the short comings of the first unit. Just my view, Frank

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I don't know if it is dangerous, or not, because I haven't used it or know anyone who has used it but the initial steps have been made for the little guy. There is by far not enough pictures or information about it to even think about buying such a machine, exspecially at that price but I bet it will get alot creative people thinking.

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The machines are not the problem its the Liability issue and the liability insurance that goes along with it..

Many guys have made them in there garages, most have worked extreamly good. I think carolina mike had a few as well, he could tell you the dangers and do's and don'ts..

One screw up even if its a customers fault and your going to get sued.

Also when a Machine is used for production in a company I believe Osha comes into play.

Making one for your self doesnt get Osha involved as in buying one already made from the way i understand it.


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Guys when this machine came up on Ebay, I made a lot of comments about not being able to see in the box. Since then, I have talked with someone and found out that the reason you're not being shown all the working parts is because there are some proprietory matters involved with this one. In other words, secret parts and designs. This is not unusual. Before the pot that is sold by LC was put on the market, someone had to buy one to copy. These things have been around for a long time. It's just a matter of making one better. The problem is that they're cheaply made and sold for high prices. After talking with the guy about the one in the box, I think his ideas are great and if he sells a product, I'm sure he will stand behind it. The problem is that other companies are wanting to see how they are made without the purchasing. I purchased one and built one. The one I purchased was a joke. The one I made I'm still using today to shoot companies single shot prototypes for samples of new products. Like I said the injector in the box that was advertised on Ebay sounds like an alright piece of equipment, but be careful, there's a lot of used equipment out there and some of it you can buy for nothing because it's worth nothing. If I was going to make any kind of investment on a machine, then I would call Ray at Zorn Molds and find out what my options were, they make several different types of machines and the really nice ones cost no more than a high end bass boat. It's just according to how far you want to go with it. Just take my word for it, be careful what you wish for! ;)

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So, while we are on the topic, how about a quick poll:

How much would you be willing to pay for a working injection machine (kind of like this one) that will handle Bear's or Del's mold, to name a few? Anbd what kind of performance would be required to out produce hand injecting?

I think I would pay about $800 for something like that.


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I think the only reason the big boys baits aren't as good as the hand poured guys baits is because they are not checking every bait and they are not using the quality products in their baits as we are but as far as an injection machine not making a good bait is probably very false. It is not the equipment that makes a poor bait it is the bait maker and the products he chooses to use to make the baits. As long as the bait maker is using good quality products in his/her baits and the quality of each bait is checked it really doesn't matter if it is hand poured or injected.

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Well, once again this is for the guys who are mass producing baits to sell. The question is will they be as good as hand poured?We talk about our hand pours being superior to the big guys mass production and I think this would also not end up being a quality bait.


This is a good question and always had me wondering.

what is NOT good about factory baits, reason I am asking is from a bait stand point I dont see anythign wrong with them.

what I do see thats Different ( not wrong) is that hand pour guys can pour different colors and use different Plastic for a different feel of the bait. They can put different additives to help with a faster or slower sink rate, different scent etc.

I personally dont see any bad baits out there from the major factories as they all work, there may not be colors that I like or that I feel confidence in but for the most part hand pour and injection are all good baits.

also every bait out there has caught a fish and most who fish for bass know that you can catch them on just a plain piece of plastic there not taht picky when they are hungry.

so what consitutes a Bad baits vs a good bait.


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I think the only reason the big boys baits aren't as good as the hand poured guys baits is because they are not checking every bait and they are not using the quality products in their baits as we are but as far as an injection machine not making a good bait is probably very false. It is not the equipment that makes a poor bait it is the bait maker and the products he chooses to use to make the baits. As long as the bait maker is using good quality products in his/her baits and the quality of each bait is checked it really doesn't matter if it is hand poured or injected.

what defects are you talking about in factory baits? I used to buy tons of factory baits when I was fishing alot, I never noticed any defects. I bought them from zoom, robo worm, berkley, yamamoto etc etc.


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Actually I have gotten alot of bad baits from the major manufactureres. It is usually nothing major, dents, excessive flashing, inconsistent colors, and deformed baits. These are things that are solved when you take pride in your work and check every bait. But it is only important when you are catching fishermen, the fish don't seem to care.

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