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Red Bug??

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I am looking for a good redbug recipe. I am trying to make some sticks in that color and I am using LC strawberry but it ends up looking almost like a sweet potato color instead (which is kinda neat). Also am curious how many are using lee pots for making sticks and if so do you like it? There seems to be alot of complaints on the temp regulating on the lee pots. Thanks...


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I wouldnt recomend a Lee pot for sticks. The salt settles in them and slows your progress.

Fireball was working on a stirer for it, but no word as of yet.

The salt would stop up the pour spout and not let you pour.

This is just a few of the things I have seen dealing with a pot and pouring.

Most recomend a pyrex cup (I do too) but it is down to prefrence.


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YES on the pot, at least if you want to pour frequently and in any volume. And like most things, more is better when it comes to hot pots, at least 4 to start. One pot will just frustrate you. I originally thought I could use 1 pot to help pour 2-color chunks along with my pyrex. Complete disaster. Ended up putting the pot on the shelf for a year or so until I broke down and bought several more on the advice of Rob Shaw.

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