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What Size Glitter?

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What size glitter would you recommend for a 5 or 6 inch swimbait? To this point in my experiments I have used only colorant and pearl. I know it's largely personal preference but if you were going to use one size, what would it be. Thanks to everybody on here; it's a great site!


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What size glitter would you recommend for a 5 or 6 inch swimbait? To this point in my experiments I have used only colorant and pearl. I know it's largely personal preference but if you were going to use one size, what would it be. Thanks to everybody on here; it's a great site!


If I had to pick one size, I would use .035 which is a medium sized flake. Good for just about anything and the size I used the most.

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I'd judge it like this. If you are going to pour just one color baits, go with medium flake. If you are going to pour multi-color baits, consider some of the small as well.

My rationale is this. Medium flake sinks quick and if you are pour certain colors and waiting, the flake may settle a bit in the larger baits. The smaller flake sinks slower and will give a more even distribution.

Just my take....


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