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Buzz Bait?

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The problem with no-skirt buzzbaits is that the skirted hook gives the fish a bullseye to strike. The blade is surrounded by bubbles. A buzz blade with a trailing hook would diminish hookup to strike ratios I think, because without the skirt the fish might just target in on the blade rather than the hook. I've seen muskies and pike home in on inline spinner blades rather than the skirt on occasion, and even with two trebles sometimes leads to a missed fish. You really want attractors around the hook for anything with as much movement and splash as a buzzbait.

That doesn't mean I'm not interested in the idea, I'm certainly not going to stop you from trying it! I might be completely wrong.

As far as triggering strikes, I fish buzzbaits for bass, pike, and musky, and I rarely use a slower retrieve. I use buzzbaits to trigger fish into explosive attacks, and that requires giving your lure some speed and energy.

When I want to slowly work something that splashes, I go to a WTD lure or a creeper.

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For what it's worth, I knew a guy who would throw a shiny ballhead jig with no plastic bait on it. He swore by it when the bite was hard. So, that being said, I don't see why it wouldn't work.


Edited by nova
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There was a time when I was poorer than dirt. I could't even afford a buzz bait. So being the kind of kid that adapted to his situation I put a split shot on my line slid it down next to the gold hook. Then I cut a piece of cotton cloth in a triangle , hung one point of the yellow cloth off the hook jiged it for crappie. worked fine. I'd say a little color flash and presentation connected to a hungry fish is all you really need.

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