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patrick reif

Wire For A Harness

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I have a half baked idea that would require an internal harness to hold a rear treble and an optional front underbelly spinnerblade.

I was looking at 1/4lbs solid wire spools for pricing.

The .050 was the biggest that Janns offered.

I need strength, but flexibility and durability.

Is the .050 the best choice for internal wiring harnesses or should I look at smaller guages like the .043 or .041?

Also, at what stage does bending and twisting these wires lead to structural fatigue?

target species are pig smallies and muskies

Edited by patrick reif
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Patrick, I don't know beans about bass and musky lures, but the SS spring-tempered wire that Netcraft sells is extremely difficult to work with. I bought some .041 a while back with the intention of bending some through-wire forms and maybe making some eyelets for small saltwater jigs, and it didn't take long to figure out that I'd wasted the money. I ended up using it to hang some bird feeders. You could check out the McMaster-Carr website. They sell wire in just about every alloy and diameter you could imagine. Some of the other guys here could give you some advice on the specific SS alloy. If you do a search, there are some threads here that cover it.

Edited by Peterjay
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