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"the Beam Team"

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I'd like to have a dollar for everytime over the years I have heard the phrase " Man I'd like to do what you do and how did you become a field tester?" Guys & Gals seriously it is not that easy and here is why.

Sherry-Lynne and I call ourselves Independent Field Testers, we are not in search of free baits nor do we accept money in advance or after field testing products. Independent Field Testing is not a "Get Rich Scheme" nor a venue to obtain "FREEBIES". Why no monetary exchange for services rendered....Accepting pay opens up an opportunity for the lure maker or equipment manufacturer to dictate and expect nothing but good to excellent product reporting outcomes (ie) assuming they are buying a good report paid in full. I wanted to be known as something more than just a product prostitute.

Our mission statement is written: We promise and stand behind our reporting that we will use assigned products up to and beyond manufacturers/makers standards.

In the beginning I had been approached by a Mid-West States newly formed company asking if I would look over their product and test them on different bodies of waters while out on the tournament trail. I was instructed that I would only send reports of win-place-show positively no bad reports and that since this product was new to the fishing scene I was to keep it hush-hush. Upon recieving the product they were not a new concept and looked to be possible knock-offs or production seconds. I did some research and made several phone calls and my concerns were confirmed the products were in fact production seconds and when talking with the owner of the new company about my findings, I was told that my job was to test the product not question it and that anglers didn't need to know the origins of the product. My convictions and beliefs about field testing was being put to the test and I knew I could not be a part of deciet to my fellow anglers or myself just to allow gains and profits of one individual. I heard within three months after refusing to test the products and sending them back, the company went belly up.

I was determined to become an Independent Field Tester that would be known for honesty and candor and truthfulness as well as I'd have to develop a screening process to eliminate these fly by night schemers. I wanted to represent companies that held the same beliefs and convictions I did and I wanted their acceptance and referrals as much as they would want my reports and photos while field testing their products.

My plan took five years to develop as far as gaining companies/luremakers trust and respect and as well gaining a name for myself within the fishing industry. I talked with hundreds of manufacturers and luremakers over that time and I did not go willy nilly accepting products to test as that would not have been practical nor fair to the companies. I picked several companies that their products fit the style of fishing I was doing, which at the time was bass fishing and panfish fishing. Each year I contacted or was contacted by companies/luremakers and decisions were made whether to test or not to test. This system seemed to be working out well for both me and the companies/luremakers. Several of the early companies, I am still with today testing prototypes and providing feedback whenever they ask.

In late 2002 I had been noticing at sports shows and watching fishing shows, that women where starting to appear and that industry manufacturers and luremakers where asking for a womans view on their products and what their views where about fishing as a whole. Then I had an idea come to me during the holiday season of 2002, my fishing partner was definately a woman and she was a good angler as well as one who gave me input on things I was testing during tournaments or just being out on the water fishing. I asked her if she would like to form a partnership were we would promote her as an Independent Field testerand companies could get a first hand review from a womans perspective. The "BEAM TEAM" was born and in 2003 Sherry-Lynnes announcement of forming the "BEAM TEAM" and along with my writings and building our profile secured our positions with several more luremakers and Zebco/Quantum and a scent/attractant company out on the east coast. Sherry-Lynne went on to do so well that one company decided after two seasons of field testing honored her by naming a lure after her and promoted her as one of the top female anglers in Canada. So pretty much in a nutshell this is the story of how "THE BEAM TEAM" Independent Field Testers came to be.

You may be asking still why no "paychecks"? The compensation comes from the product themselves...We are still going to be on the water fishing, so why not test products and save ourselves that expense of fishing there is our benefit by saving spending dollars on Rods-Reels-Lures-Scents/Attractants. Do we still purchase fishing products, why sure we do as we use other products that are similar to do effective comparison testing.

We also found that we were limiting ourselves to one specie specific testing and now test products for Bass, Walleye, Musky/Pike, Catfish, Carp and panfish. Sherry-Lynne still longs to get into ice fishing but I find it awful difficult to walk over and fish water where just a few months before I was driving the boat.

My experience and views on becoming a field tester is one must build a reputation and trust. Create an interesting profile and be a good communicator both verbally and written. One must know what the manufacturer/luremaker wants. One must create a detailed plan for reporting and have a code of ethics a a creed in which to follow. One must Never Ever trump up testing just to make things look good, manufacturers/luremakers needs to know the truth about their products in order to plan for their production or in production changes. A field tester should not be thin skinned or fear rejection. My early attempts was a hundred type written letters (before I had a computer) to companies I studied at the local library and reference material. At first I recieved a whole lot of rejection notices with comments like: No Thanks, You Have To Be Kidding, We hire Pro-Anglers Only, Do You Know How Many Requests We Get For Freebies, Not only NO but Hell NO.

So I hope this helps in explaining what Sherry-Lynne and I do within the fishing industry, We love what we do and have formed strong bonds which has turned into great friends with many of the manufacturers/luremakers we work with. We hope you look upon us as a venue to get a honest review and report on what you make for the anglers across North America and beyond.


Willis "SNAGMAN" Beam

Sherry-Lynne aka BASSETTE

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