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Espn Cancels Outdoor Tv

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I've always wondered how outdoor shows could last as long as they do when the targeted audience is usually outdoors doing what they love to do when the shows are scheduled to appear. It's been this way for as long as I can remember and have seen many shows, both local and national, come and go.

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  On 5/22/2010 at 1:32 AM, ALC609 said:

released today espn cancelling outdoor tv, replacing with soccer and other trash. the toll free espn complaint number is 1-888-549-3776. call let them know what you think. or sit back and learn latin and eat tacos

it has more to do with people like PETA and gun control groups than you think. this ain't all just about moving sportscenter to the morning. and ESPN has showed there liberal views alot over the years.

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I haven't seen the story, but assuming that it's true: it has nothing to do with PETA or anything of the sort - if you want to tilt at windmills, be my guest, but it's pure BS. It has to do with the fact that on the national level, interest in hunting and fishing is on the decline and programming people at ESPN are well aware of it - crunching numbers is what they do for a living. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. All you have to do is take a look at declining license sales figures from around the country, and when you've finished doing that, take a look at recent circulation figures for hunting and fishing magazines. Advertisers aren't going to invest money unless the ratings or circulation numbers are there to justify the expense. If more people are interested in watching Sportscenter or soccer, then that's what ESPN is going to give them. Considering that there are fewer than 12 million hunters and 30 million anglers in a national market of 300+ million, it shouldn't exactly surprise anybody that national TV programming is drying up, except for niche outlets on cable. (where advertising rates are relatively cheap) In this part of the U.S., you can stop anybody on the street and ask who plays first base for the Red Sox or Yankees, and the odds are that they'll know - try asking about Bassmasters, and you'll probably spend the whole day looking for somebody who even knows what it is. It's a matter of demographics, not politics - people who participate in outdoor sports are aging and they're not being replaced. There are a multitude of reasons that range from land development to the internet to the loss of rural culture. I don't like it either, but there's no denying the numbers. ESPN is a business, and businesses go where the money is.

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  On 5/22/2010 at 3:09 PM, Peterjay said:

I haven't seen the story, but assuming that it's true: it has nothing to do with PETA or anything of the sort - if you want to tilt at windmills, be my guest, but it's pure BS. It has to do with the fact that on the national level, interest in hunting and fishing is on the decline and programming people at ESPN are well aware of it - crunching numbers is what they do for a living. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. All you have to do is take a look at declining license sales figures from around the country, and when you've finished doing that, take a look at recent circulation figures for hunting and fishing magazines. Advertisers aren't going to invest money unless the ratings or circulation numbers are there to justify the expense. If more people are interested in watching Sportscenter or soccer, then that's what ESPN is going to give them. Considering that there are fewer than 12 million hunters and 30 million anglers in a national market of 300+ million, it shouldn't exactly surprise anybody that national TV programming is drying up, except for niche outlets on cable. (where advertising rates are relatively cheap) In this part of the U.S., you can stop anybody on the street and ask who plays first base for the Red Sox or Yankees, and the odds are that they'll know - try asking about Bassmasters, and you'll probably spend the whole day looking for somebody who even knows what it is. It's a matter of demographics, not politics - people who participate in outdoor sports are aging and they're not being replaced. There are a multitude of reasons that range from land development to the internet to the loss of rural culture. I don't like it either, but there's no denying the numbers. ESPN is a business, and businesses go where the money is.

well, your living in a cave if you think it has nothing to do with liberal beliefs. few years back , a member of PETA got a big job with CHEVY. first thing they started was trying to get CHEVY out of fishing. so don't set back and say it has nothing to do with it. and thats the very problem, PETA and gun control wants sportsman to set back and be passive while they take all they can get. the reason for the declining sportsman numbers is that they are slowly taking it away. they go after regulations and access to fishing and hunting areas and sportsman are becoming to passive that they give up and let them do it. if there were no beverly hillbillies on tv when you were a kid, would you know who the clampetts are now? NO. if there is no fishing or hunting on tv the kids in the future will have no idea. kids learn from watching there parents, so when your child grows up sitting and watching KVD and BILL DANCE with you on tv, they try to be like there parents and learn about outdoors. it's there way of slowly phasing it out. and i don't care who you are, your not going to convince me there is no money in outdoors, or that there are more people who enjoy watching yard darts or billards than outdoor programming. so keep trying to defend them and that flushing sound your hearing is your rights!

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  On 5/22/2010 at 1:32 AM, ALC609 said:

released today espn cancelling outdoor tv, replacing with soccer and other trash. the toll free espn complaint number is 1-888-549-3776. call let them know what you think. or sit back and learn latin and eat tacos

bassfan.com has the story

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  On 5/22/2010 at 10:44 PM, ALC609 said:

yes, but the rumors are flying around that they are trying to sell it.

From you lips to God's ear, it should only be true.

ESPN has tried to turn BASS into NASCAR.

And Peterjay's right, it's all about the money. ESPN would put cannibalism on at prime time if it would sell product.

Bean counters only know one color, green.

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For those of you who didn't know, B.A.S.S. use to invest millions of dollars into lobbying to keep our lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands from destruction. One of the biggest companies B.A.S.S. took on was Disney. They did not want Disney destroying any more wetlands to build amusement parks. After ESPN got bassmasters Disney bought ESPN to stop B.A.S.S. from lobbying against them, and it worked. The biggest threat to Disney, who owns ESPN, is the outdoorsmen. This has nothing to do with nascar, football, etc., they are simply removing their biggest threat which is all of us who care about the outdoors.

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No doubt this move has somewhat evolved from liberalism. Any excuse can be made but it's not coincidence that liberal scum take office and all of the sudden the blue-collar TRUE Americans start to get shafted. People wonder why all us Conservatives are so defensive and relate every issue to a liberal scam, but what do you expect when an honest, hard-working man's rights begin to be violated by unGodly idiots. Hang in there. It's only gonna get worse.

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