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Best Split Ring Pliers?

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I also have three sets of split ring pliers, but the ones I like the best are from Texas Tackle. I like their design. They have orange handles. They are in Cabela's catalog page 54 of their new master catalog spring 04. So far the best split rings I have found are from Hagen's. The German split rings. The OD is a little smaller than the american but they have a lot of snap back. Might try them. When I ordered them the sales person told me they were the best.

Charlie M

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I attended the Bassmaster University in Orlando last month. Kevin Van Dam was one of the instructors. Somebody there asked him this very question. He said he uses a pair of small long needle nose pliers made by Snap-On. He mentioned the part number but I can't remember it off the top of my head. He said that they have such precision that there is no need for the little tooth like those at the end of regular split ring pliers. I have yet to try these out, but coming from a guy that goes through literally thousands of split rings a season, It might be something you'd want to try...

Hope that helps

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Capt. Mike, for the past two years I've been using the Cobra Pro that I got from Cabela's. These are the one with the green handle.

I have found that I become better with them the more I use them, but retraining is needed if I've been away from adding split rings for awhile.

Not the same a riding a bike, I need retraining as to just where on the ring to place them. So I usually plan on doing a lot at one time. Phil


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