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Lee Plastic Pot - Plastic Sticking?

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I just bought the large lee plastic melting pot from Lure Craft... I like it but I have a problem...

ths is my first time using a lee pot for plastic... I have one for led but i just leave it full of lead and never had to worry abut cleaning it (I dont do I?) well anyway... I mixed a cup of plastic and a 1/2 cup of salt and made some stick baits and now I cant get the left over plastic out of the pot. Eventually I disassembled the pot (removed the handle and the valve thing) so I could clean it o ut with very fne steel wool... now that I have it clean again,,, what should I do so that it doesnt do this to me again? do I need to prepare the pot somehow? PAM? worm oil? something else? I dont want to do anything to the pot that will mess up my pouring.

Thanks in advance

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As long as you don't burn the plastic in the bottom 1/4 of the pot you can clean it by just pulling the cooled plastic out with a butter knife. Just tip the pot over pour out what you have left from that batch let it cool and it will pull out. I do 90% of my pouring from a lee pot. There mite be a few flake's but they will wipe out with a small rag. Works for me.....

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Boat Guy, I used Lee pots for a long time. They're a little annoying to clean. Pop the c clip off with a small screwdriver and remove the valve pin. After you use the pot a few times it will get seasoned and the plastic should start coming out with the valve pin. There will be a sticky residue from the chunk of plastic up. Rubbing alcohol and a stainless steel scrubbing pad works very well to remove this. Sometimes Lee pots have a hot spot on one side or the other. You can take a butter knife and flake the burnt plastic off. This usually does not affect the plastic that you are pouring, it usually happens when your plastic's getting low in the pot. Just remember half way through adjust your heat down a little. Also the pouring hole. I used to use a drill bit just a little smaller than the hole to remove the plug.

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