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Piscivorous Pike

What Pliable Material To Use To Model A Master ?

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I made a 9" jerk bait by splicing together several pieces of commercial soft baits. I now have an understanding and idea how to really improve its behavior and need to make a model from which to copy POP, RTV molds from.

I would like to sculpt a model out of something that is plasticine or clay like. I am not very good at keeping it symetrical either.

What type or brand of material would I use besides children's modeling clay to make a master model? I have several molds open top and t wo piece made from the original idea and I thought I might be able to fill that with a material that after pouring I could tweak to the dimensions I desire but I do not know what that could be. I thought this method would help me keep the symetry.

To my design I would like to ad maybe some J shaped fins or some barbels similiar to a hula skirt. For sure the major change I need to make is in the tail shank. Currently the Jerk bait has a long tail shank. One key to its desired action is the cross section shape of the tail shank. Curently it is oval with a vertical orientation, if I could get that shank oval with a horizontal orientation the long tail would wag in a verticle porpoise like movement on the retrieve much easier than it does now.

That vertical movement is what I want as it has been proven by quite a few to be a major trigger for pike strikes and if I could only build my model I could make a mold and new style bait. That idea may even be unique in the field of jerk baits, I wouldn't know.

Well, what type of substance could I use to make a master?

Thanks, Gang!

Edited by Piscivorous Pike
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WHen I get into the design mode I basically use 2 things to make my model. Soft wood(not balsa)like pine and sculpy clay which you can get at a hobby store. I have used ridgid plastic to carve fins and then glue them to the model.

Hope this helps.


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WHen I get into the design mode I basically use 2 things to make my model. Soft wood(not balsa)like pine and sculpy clay which you can get at a hobby store. I have used ridgid plastic to carve fins and then glue them to the model.

Hope this helps.


I have seen that scuply clay thing before, I will look into it, probably what I need. Maybe I can find an art student that can sculpt, that just does not seem to be my forte.

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