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Fly Tying Materials

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Hello i just found this site that ell materials dirt cheap dont know if he is a dealer or omeone quitting tying stores.ebay.com/miamivalleytackle

Suggest you wait a while. Only 95.5% positive feedback of 19 or 22 sales so far and he opened up May of 2010.

It does look like he is getting rid of somebody's old and limited stock. If it is old fly tying stock, and if you do buy something, suggest you debug it with moth balls, microwave, freeze, etc. On ebay before, I have gotten Wapsi materials, or materials in Wapsi bags, that was previously mixed with roadkill by people not knowing what they were doing. Thank goodness, I caught it before mixing the cheap contaminated stuff in with my good materials.

Good luck.


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Just to second what John said about de-bugging. I had my entire store of materials wiped out by a moth infestation years ago and it wasn't pretty. I admit to being a fanatic about insect control ever since, but I wouldn't touch the stuff you described. Anything I get from an unknown source goes into a sealed plastic bag for a year before I'll even bring it into my tying room. It's amazing what insect eggs can withstand, but they should either hatch or die within a year's time.

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I third the bug problem. I lost 2 dozen necks about ten years ago. Remember even if you get busy to check you supplies about once a month. Even with all your precaution they sill seam to find a way in there. If you do buy, to be safe stick it in the freezer for three or four days then pull it out and nuke it in the micro. Only for thirty sec up to two min. depending how big it is. If there is any moisture (like a bug) it will cook it. I fill funny adding bug killer to something I'm trying to make appealing to fish. I don't know how the fish is going to act will a pungent oder like bug killer.

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I bought some materials from that guy i was talking about and they arrived today. I ordered some strung marabou, neck hackle, and some deer body hair. So here is the review As far as i can tell he is a shop just starting on ebay someone mentioned the 96% feedback something about listing confusions saw on his feedback report. The materials all looked fresh from wapsi not a repackage or something that has been sitting on a shelf for years. The deer hair spun real nice and no bugs. And the price was great about 30% lower than the closest shop to me (1 hour away) . Also their shipping was a max of 6.00 so i bought like 50.00 worth of stuff but only had to pay 6.00 shipping that was nice. Overall I was quite happy with the deal figured id post a review for guys. that direct link was


The only reaon im going to buy from this retailer is i havent really seen a sponsor on this site that carries a good selection of flytying materials it mainly focuses on the luremaker which is cool to but some of us can never give up our tying or fishing. Im not sure which one is more addicting. Hope you enjoyed and tightlines everyone.

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Glad it worked out - it sounds like you got a pretty good deal. I think the tying and lure making habit might be worse than the fishing itself. As far as fishing goes, I'm usually ready to call it quits by early December, but the tying goes on year round. Anything more than a day or two out of my shop and I get really antsy.

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Scott's Fly Shop on Ebay has been a wonderful dealer for supplies for me. I buy from various places, but if you shop on Ebay, he has a great selection of stuff to tie with. Also his shipping is only three dollars, and he will combine your order, and still the shipping is only 3 bucks. He has 100% on his feedback the last I checked.

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Hello i just found this site that ell materials dirt cheap dont know if he is a dealer or omeone quitting tying stores.ebay.com/miamivalleytackle

I like Tackle craft's mayfly wings nothing like them. Great customer service and you can call them. I have been burned before, easier to deal with issues/ask questions with a full time outfit. just my 2 cents. :blink:

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