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Which plastic to get this?

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I am getting ready to jump aboard and order my stuff. I have been fooling around and I have all my molds made. I have been doing some test pours with old plastic. I am going to be making some grub type stuff that need a more stout plastic than I can find in anything that I have melted yet. I need about half again harder than a larew crawl. My question is, is there any reason to buy the LC extra strength 500 or can I get by with the 502 and hardner. Thanks for any and all replies and for all the good info.

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Hey guys,

I have been pouring for a while and used to pour with LC 500 Extra Strength and it makes a good saltwater bait, but even at that I think it takes a lot of action away from the bait, just my opinion. I too am a Calhoun convert and have nothing but praise for the plastic. Works Great! Better Product in my opinion and down right makes a better bait even for saltwater, with just the right amount of hardner.

Just my 2 cents,


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Like the other guys said, Calhoun is a great plastic and stays mixed well. If you plan on working with just pints, quarts, and gallons, it's just a matter of shaking your containers to keep it mixed. On the other hand, Lure Craft's hardener will settle to the bottom. It usually takes a lot more effort to keep it mixed, and it will settle daily too.

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