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What do you consider a hybrid lure?

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Hi Nate,

I actually thought of this as I made the forum for it, but IMO

A hybrid lure could be a few different things but I figure your "Assasin" fits the bill nicely....A jointed crankbait with a soft plastic tail.

If fellas dropped by with ideas or pics of baits they couldnt quite pick a forum to put em in, this one's the place for it. B)


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I once saw a guy on ebay selling a soft plastic worm that he called "Hybrid Bug". It looked to me like a cross between junebug and redbug; very cool lookin' color. I always thought this was the explanation of "hybrid"; crossing 2 species/colors. Considering that, I guess I make lots of hybrids, and I would assume lots of us tacklemakers do to :huh:

If anyone has any pictures of their hybrids (soft or hard plastics), I would sure love to see 'em. :D


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Hi, Nathan. Yea, I know what you mean! The 'Buggers' that I make are simply bucktail jigs on the surface. But I don't make them the usual way and some of the different styles/designs I make aren't fished like a jig and don't look like a jig.

I have endevered to use the bucktail jig as a starting point, then produce variations that can be fished differently than a jig. Once I started thinking 'out of the box', I was suprised how many actually did what they were designed to do.

I've made 'Buggers' that will cast with a spinning rod, land and float, then when you tug the line, it breaks the surface and floats ever so slowly down to the depth you want to start your retreve.

I made one 'Bugger' that , when trailed with a tube, will sit on the water for 12 seconds, then(on its own) will turn down and sink.(bet I can't do that again!)

How would a guy classify these?

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