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Posting picture problem

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If you have win98 go to: start, programs, microsoft photoeditor and you can resize the photo here. Otherwise, if you have any camera software on your machine like adobe photodeluxe it will work better for you. Once you open the picture into either of these software packages, choose the "size" tab or "image size" tab. Then once you get into this you will note that you can adjust the size by pixels or inches. Choose the "pixels" tab and resize to the 640 by 480 or slightly smaller. Save the file then come back into this site and try again. If you don't have the software you can either try to pirate some off the net or send the photo to me and I will resize it and mail it back to you.



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:lol: Hello Jim, When I want to post a picture I scan it and save it on my computor. Then I use a program called MGI PhotoSuite III and get the picture from my computor to this program and resize it to whatever size you need it. There are other programs that can do this. I hope this helps and if you need any help please ask away or email me. Also when I save these picures I save them as a JPEG file. Ken Schmitz Mylures

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