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Burnt Plastic

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Was attempting to make some tube baits and over cooked the plastic i was using. Sucsessfully made some baits once it cooled down but now they all have a burnt smell to them.

Is there any way to reverse the smell say buy adding some new plastic???

Dont really want to waste 500ml of plastis

If not has anyone had some sucsess catching fish with baits that are burnt.

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Thanks guys. Had a feeling a needeed to start agian.

Did manage to reduce the smell of the baits though. Put them ina zip lock bag wityh some seaseme seed oil (only thing i could find with some scent)

By the next day the smell had reduced dramaticly. But you cant still smell the burnt smell

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I watched a show a while back where a guy in British Columbia with a camera on his down rigger ball did a study on scents and how effective they were. His conclusion was that commercially available scents had no appreciable effect on hit rate. Funny thing was the bait he dropped in the bilge water showed a dramatic increase in hits. maybe the burnt smell could be "just the ticket"

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