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Devcon 2 Ton

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had a fish through all posts related to devcon and cant find the info i'm after.

i'v put one coat(top coat) of d2t (30 min) on my baits and wanting to apply a second coat.

my question is how long should i let the first coat set before applying the second?

will the second coat stop the first from completely hardening if applied over it to early?

any info would be appreciated..

cheers JR...

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Epoxy self-cures after mixing so a 2nd coat of unthinned D2T can be applied anytime after the 1st coat starts to harden. It will all harden just fine. With D2T, an hour would not be too soon if you are using a lure turner. If you are modifying the D2T with solvent, or are using a solvent enhanced epoxy like Envirotex Lite or a rod guide epoxy, you'd probably want to wait 5-6 hrs until most of the solvent has evaporated. It will all cure to regular hardness.

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thanks for the info guys.

i applied my second coat about 20 hrs after the first which was well cured and hard by that time.

was happy with the results.

this was my first time using devcon 2 ton(30min)as top coat and am happy with the finished product so far,

although it wasn't all smooth sailing!

i had 25 large lures(120&140mm) to coat so planed on doing a few at a time, now my first mistake was in measuring out the two parts

first i tried to guess buy marking a small medicine cup then filling with both parts to my marks= some didn't harden properly!

next i used two syringes of the same size and tried to draw equal amounts into each. not easy with thick epoxies but it did work ok.

finally i got some 0.1 g digital scales and how easy was this!!(these can be purchased cheaply of ebay.well worth it).

i also had a bit of a disaster trying to do too many lures per batch of d2t and had the stuff drying on a lure with only half of it coated.

i ended up just doing one bait at a time and once i worked out the perfect amount(weight) per bait i had almost no waste and got them done pretty quickly.

trial and error=best way to learn although i did waste a bit of d2t and had to re-sand a lure but it all ended well.

one other thing i found and did read on this forum was using bent piece of wire in drill to mix two parts. it worked great with almost no bubbles forming in it.much better than

the icy pole sticks i first used.

now for the real and most important tests in the field.

thanks again for the info on this topic and to all others that have help my lure building..

cheers JR...

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thanks for the info rofish. very interesting i just presumed the two parts would be of equal weight .

maybe i was a bit lucky but all the lures i coated seem to have cured well. maybe it will not set quite as hard as if it was mixed at the

ratio stated by manufacturer.

i was only mixing small amounts (1.1 grams of each part) so maybe it would have more of an effect on larger amounts.

i will mix to correct ratio next time and compare the durability of the the lures i have just finished using equal amounts by weight

thanks again cheers JR...

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