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Lead Properties

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Ric I dont have the exact answer you are looking for but what I do know is I have been making myself arky jigs for almost 2 years now out of lead I bought from my local recycling center and I cant tell the difference between it and the bass pro shops lead. And I get it for 2 cents a pound you should check into it. Oh yeah and the fish cant tell the difference either.

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Ric I dont have the exact answer you are looking for but what I do know is I have been making myself arky jigs for almost 2 years now out of lead I bought from my local recycling center and I cant tell the difference between it and the bass pro shops lead. And I get it for 2 cents a pound you should check into it. Oh yeah and the fish cant tell the difference either.

Well BH have you asked them?? Hey thanks for the tidbit...never thought of getting it from there...

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There is some of the best information on lead that you can find anywhere on this site.

Pull a search and be ready for good long, educational read .. I don't care how little or how much you have done of it I will Gurantee you that you will learn something from it.

Not being a smart@.. just trying to be helpful


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There is some of the best information on lead that you can find anywhere on this site.

Pull a search and be ready for good long, educational read .. I don't care how little or how much you have done of it I will Gurantee you that you will learn something from it.

Not being a smart@.. just trying to be helpful


You know JSC I kinda thought so. M gonna look it up and let me tell you i really appreciate all of the info i get here nothing "smart" about it. I have had nothing on this sight except people who have been willing to help.Sometimes the most minute of details go unnoticed or not addressed. And sometimes some of us just need a kick in the pants to pop our heads out that orifice. Thanks again


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google bullet casting and discover the world of alloyed lead.....all "lead" is not created equal, anybody who casts anything needs to know that alloyed lead melts at a lower temperature and fills in mold details better than pure lead, alloyed with tin and antimony that is....lead can also be contaminated with zinc and that will yield bad results. A good alloy, clean and fluxed with a treated mold that is up to temperature will produce good to great castings....as someone stated, do your homework but disregard the advice that pure (soft) lead works better as in most cases that isn't the case.You will get great help from the bullet casters.

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I haave bought thousands of kilos of lead from scrap yards here in Mexico. I find about four different types. Printing lead which is very hard. Wheel weights. Soft or more or less pure lead that comes from old plumbing pipes or xray shielding. And medium pure lead which comes from many sources like old fishing weights or odd lead pieces. I find that some molds require a certian type to pour easily. The only one that I do now that has to have pure lead is the Hilts triangular claw mold. I try to keep the different types in seperate pots and use the one that works best in the molds I am doing at the time.

Another thing the wheel weights and printers lead will stay bright longer so I try to use it for the weights I sell to other sellers.

The sticky threads at the top of the page are worth many dollars to those of us making lead to sell. Read them several times especially the one about fluxing.

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Lead is mined & is 100% pure soft.Can't use this as it leaves holes in the heads of jigs.Also thin lures will bend very easy.Wheel weights have 2% antimony & this is what is used in most shops.Thin lures will be hard to bend & no holes in jigs.Scrap lean can contain many other metals which will affect your pouring & how lures turn out.

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Lead is mined & is 100% pure soft.Can't use this as it leaves holes in the heads of jigs.Also thin lures will bend very easy.Wheel weights have 2% antimony & this is what is used in most shops.Thin lures will be hard to bend & no holes in jigs.Scrap lean can contain many other metals which will affect your pouring & how lures turn out.

I use and prefer pure lead for making jigs. It will fill out small jigs much better than something like wheel weights.

I've used it up to 3 oz. sinkers and never had any issues about holes. The good soft pure lead is getting hard to find around here.

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