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Powder Painting Spinner Blades

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I'm experimenting with spraying candy powder paint on big spinner blades (8 and 10 Colorado blades). I've been using a small forceps to hold for heating and spraying both sides. that works great except for the small portion unpainted where the forceps was covering the blade. I don't really want to re-grab the blade and mark/scratch the existing paint to get the blank spot. I was wondering if anyone had a trick to hold the blade differently or combat this problem. I've been holding it near the clevis hole so much of it is covered by the clevis anyway. I guess I just want it to look nice to me and potential customers, even though the fish probably doesn't care.

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I do this all the time. Take your cool blade finished side up and put it on the edge of a table or preferably a clean piece of steel or aluminum. The blade hole should be over the edge of the steel. Now take a heat gun, a small artist brush and your powder paint. Dip the brush in your powder paint and heat the blade at the hole or where you are missing paint. You will see the powder paint turn dark again or shiny. Tap your brush lightly (and I mean lightly, or put less powder on your paint) over the hole or where your blade has no paint. As you do this you will see the new paint blend into the existing paint and it will cover up the bare spot. Keep doing this until everything covers and blends in. This works great with candy colors as they flow better. Couple of things to remember when doing this.

#1 Less powder on the brush is better as you can always add more.

#2 When you reheat the blade, don't burn the existing paint, run your heat gun on a lower setting, until you see the paint gloss over, then tap on your paint.

#3 Finally leave your blade on the steel or aluminum until it is cools. The aluminum or steel will draw the heat away from your blade to keep it from getting too hot when you initially heat it up and when you wait for it to cool.

If you need more help PM me. I'm sure others have some other creative ideas as well.

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