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Any Alternative For Virgin Lacquer Thinner?

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I can't find any virgin lacquer thinner that will dissolve plastic cups for my sealer anymore. Pep boys or Auto Zone doesn't carry the brand that I used in the past. (it came in a green, teal color gallon can) I have tried other brands that were virgin lacquer thinner but they don't work. Is there any other solvent that will work just as well? I live just north of Pittsburgh PA if anyone knows where I can find the good s#$&. Thanks


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In my country (Romania) there is no acetone available in shops, and I hear that's because the acetone can be used to make dope. Factories which use acetone in their technological process (shoe factories, for instance) have strict regulations concerning the use of the product, and they are controlled in this respect by the police (that's what I heard).

So I'm happier to use virgin lacquer thinner to dissolve plastic, and for my needs, the product is better than acetone (so I could get a little acetone anyway, to compare :) )

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