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Need some help with production pots

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I need to know which pot I should buy. What are the ones that you guys are using? Any that I should stay away from? I'm thinking of the lee pot from lurecraft , either the 12 oz one or the 24 oz one most likely. I want a pot that would hold about 2 cups of plastic so I can pour a run of 10 molds (40 baits) at a time. Also what do you guys use for stirers in these pots? I read somewhere that some of you use drills? PLease clue me in on how you did this.

Tnx Fish-N-Fool

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After reading a bunch of stuff here on TackleUnderground from the resident masters, I have to agree with them about a few things..

1: If you are adding a ton of salt to your bats, stick to the microwave because the pour spout will clog easily.

2: Preheat the plastisol in the microwave and add heat stabilizer to keep it from scorching in the pot.

3: I have read nothing but negative info about the larger pots. The additives settle out faster due to the volume in the container and it is harder to keep a consistent heat and mix.


I guess if you were going to pour your baits w/o salt it would be OK to use the larger pot, but I only have the little ones, so I can't really say. Since you are pouring larger baits FF, maybe the big Lee pot is the right tool for the job, I guess there is one way to find out...My favorite method, trial and error.

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I agree stick with a small pot. I have a 5 gallon capacity pot and only use it for dipping tubes. As for a stirrer, I use a cordless drill and a paint mixer....you have to with 4 gallons / 1/2 gallon of salt....or you would have to be the plastisol hulk to stir it by hand :lol:

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