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Piscivorous Pike

Knot Wars, Again !

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You all know I am a fanatic fisherman. Back in 1995 I invented a knot to work in the new type of fish lines called super lines, and braid. It was published as an original knot in an international fishing journal, In-fisherman, March 1995.

I just recieved official notice it may find itself on North American Fisherman Television this up coming season. Other members of this forum likewise have had their submissioned honored. I posted mention of my knot in TU before, it is a good knot for braid and super lines.

I am happy that the knot has never has been contested for originality; it is unique and not quite like any other knot. I witnesses such devestating comments that occured to a submission from some one, I felt so sad for him because I understood his invention and intents and the feelings he must have experienced.

I hope you all join me watching the program and see how this plays out.

I will post the pictures of it once I figure out how to give credit to In-Fishman that owns the rights to the illustration that best shows my knot, Or maybe I will again try my hand at drawing it out!


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I witnesses such devestating comments that occured to a submission from some one, I felt so sad for him because I understood his invention and intents and the feelings he must have experienced.

I agree with you, I hope you don't have to go through the same negative feedback that he did. You try and come up with something original and this is the thanks you get.

Because of my location, I will never get to see the coverage, so I wish you good fortune and ask that you post any information you can. Video would be great, but asking a lot.


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You all know I am a fanatic fisherman. Back in 1995 I invented a knot to work in the new type of fish lines called super lines, and braid. It was published as an original knot in an international fishing journal, In-fisherman, March 1995.

I just recieved official notice it may find itself on North American Fisherman Television this up coming season. Other members of this forum likewise have had their submissioned honored. I posted mention of my knot in TU before, it is a good knot for braid and super lines.

I am happy that the knot has never has been contested for originality; it is unique and not quite like any other knot. I witnesses such devestating comments that occured to a submission from some one, I felt so sad for him because I understood his invention and intents and the feelings he must have experienced.

I hope you all join me watching the program and see how this plays out.

I will post the pictures of it once I figure out how to give credit to In-Fishman that owns the rights to the illustration that best shows my knot, Or maybe I will again try my hand at drawing it out!


Hey PP if you knot does get on knot Wars there will be 10,000 idiots crawl out of the woodwork to say they did it first. The price of fame I guess. I didn't let it bother me any so i hope you can do the same.

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To show us the fancy twist, why do you Knot (Not) do a vid and stick it on http://www.youtube.com ..

It maybe the magic I need to finally get a floppy friend in my hand without having to go to the tank at Walmart..



How come your link does Knot (Not) work ??

Edited by onlyonmonday
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Oh, my, I have been really deep under the weather, so to speak. Due to many DR. appointments I missed that first episode and the destruction of the Kramer Knot. The other one beat it.

Well, truth is I use almost exclusively the bimini twist loop and use loop connections for everything I do now anyway. But it was fun. I got to watch for the reruns and get a copy of that. Usually it will get posted in the website.


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