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Salt the final answer

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IThis is an update to an earlier post. I finally received my salt and it works great. I just got it tonight but could not wait to try a batch. So far I got to 25% salt without turning the color opaque. The salt that I ended up getting was the Cargill Alberger Flake Salt. There are many Cargill Alberger Salt types but just standard Alberger Flake is what I ended up going with. The fine is just like popcorn salt and turned the color opaque but the Cargill Alberger Flake Salt appears to work great. I am going to run some more tests tomorrow night and will update the posting.


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When you say the "fine" acted like popcorn salt, do you mean you tried the Alberger fine flake salt and the plastic turned opaque? Also, how well did the standard Alberger flake salt stay suspended? I have a 50lb bag of the Alberger fine flake salt already on its way so I'm curious.


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I did not personally try it but on a previous post to this site a person got some and tried it. Per his post it acted just like popcorn salt. I also did some research in regards to the size of the flakes in the Alberger fine salt and it is essentially the same as popcorn salt (At least the popcorn salt that I get). The Alberger Flake Salt is between popcorn salt and table salt in regards to size. If you get some salt from a Senko you will notice that it is smaller then table salt but larger then popcorn salt. I also spoke to the gentlemen where I was ordering from quite a while about the sizes of the flakes of the different Alberger salts. He said that the Fine Alberger was basically popcorn salt.

I poured a few more batches and still am having great results with the Alberger Flake salt. I have found that if you keep the plastic just fluid enough to pour it helps keep the salt distributed even better. I have tried several batches now with 30+% salt and am very happy with the results. I did have just the slightest color change in a light watermelon batch that I did but it was so minimal I didn't care.


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The company (Harvey Salt) that I have been dealing with didn't actually have any on hand so they had a 5-pound sample sent to me from Cargill. Now that I am sure this is what I want they are going to try and see how to get some in stock for me. The problem is that they must by it by the pallet and I obviously don't need or want a pallet so he is going to find another distributor that carries it and see about getting me a bag.


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I'm not sure if they carry the regular, but it's probable. Call the 800 number on their website. I also requested a sample of the other Alberger salts. They said the samples would come from the manufacturer (cargill?). They were very helpful.


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