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Paint/spinner/heat Plug Building Cabinet

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too small for my operation I couldnt get all of my paint in that cabinet I have a 30x50 shop and it barely has enough room sometimes I get carried away on things sometimes but dont think I am knocking the cabinet My wife wishes I could have a small cabinet like that for my tackle craft that way she could have the money I could have saved from buying new tools equipment paint airbrushes paint lead hook molds skirt materials lead etc

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I have been wanting to put something together that would fit in my apt. It would have to look decent and not take up to much space. I noticed the filter and fan in the back. How much dust does this capture? What grade filter would I need to catch the fine dust caused by sanding Balsa w/ 220 or 400 grit?

I have been considering converting a closet, but your idea may be ebtter, provides good storage and seperation of different tools and different projects.

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I don't store too much in this thing as it is located in my garage. I keep almost alI my tools in the garage. I keep all my paints and chemicals that don't take heat/cold too well in my house in a safe spot. I'm currently building a larger frame around it and will heat with one of those oil filled electric heaters. I'll post pics when i'm done.

To airbrushextreme, I don't sand in it. I just try to keep it as clean as i can for sealing and painting operations. I think it would fill your needs in an apartment if you vent it out a window.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you have an opinion.


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