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Willow Blades Don't Rotate On Retrieve

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I used to trout fish with rooster tails and they outfished most spinners with french style blades but the problem was the willow blade, you had to let the spinner sink a bit and give it a good hard jerk to get the the blade spinning, once you got it started it was fine so try that and see if it works. Willows are noted for being hard to start on in line spinners.

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why might that be? The clevis turns freely, its not hanging up on anything.....some do and some don't on the same style lure, an in-line spinner. Any help appreciated. I think I'll stick to french blades...

You might want to try using the Sonic/Inline spinner blades. Shape is close to a Willow Leaf blade but no clevis is needed, just a small bead.

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