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What To Use To Make A Plug Knocker

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hey guys i have been trying to scratch my pea brain to make some home made plug knockers. i used some old 270 shells and drilled a hole in them. that works well but i have ran out of shells. i also have some 1/2 oz molds that i do not use they are round head jig molds does anybody have any ideas. i have plenty of wire just cant seem to get the right concotion. thanks

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One of the "old time" plug knockers was just a spark plug with the electrode mashed down once you put it on your line. The best plug knocker I've used personally was just a heavy weight with a cork screw wire at the top that your line is threaded through. It also had small pieces of chain coming out the bottom that would snag the hooks on your bait. Another thing I would recommend is using braided line on your plug knocker. It doesn't twist like spiral twisted nylon. It's hard enough getting a lure back without having to fight a tangled up mess of plug knocker line. I used an old chalk line reel to keep my knocker on. Just pull out as much line as you need and when your done just reel it up.

hope this gives you some ideas,


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