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First Time Pourer

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I got interested in pouring some of my own baits a couple weeks ago and have done a ton of researching online about it. Much of which was spending countless hours here at TU reading. Lots of good stuff here. I placed an order several days ago to LC for a bunch of essentials to get me going. Mainly just plastic, colorings, additives and a half dozen RTV molds.

Yesterday morning I got the itch to get started even though I have not received any gear yet. I am a carpenter so I have DWP laying around. I knew I was going fishing today and I was quite low on Erie Darters so I thought this would be a good start. I made up the box, sacrificed 4 darters, and poured in the DWP. While this was curing I drove down to the local thrift store and bought a microwave for $14 (as well as a toaster oven for $4 to cure power coated jigs) Later in the day after setting shop in my barn, I prepped the mold for pouring. I dug out some old plastics in the approximate color I was looking for, and melted them down. The pouring went quite well. I ended up making 16 baits, and every one of them came out in what I would consider usable condition. I can see already a "hard" mold like this may not be the best type seeing I have to pull the fatter section of bait through the skinny surface cavity resulting in slightly mangled baits. A flexible RTV type would be much better IMO.

Anyway, on the water today I was bound and determined to use the baits I made. The smallmouth have been hitting these good lately (which is why I wanted more) even in the 40-41 degree water. By the time I left I had caught 4 smallies with one about 4 1/2 pounds.

Not too shabby. Going from "I think I might make a mold today" to catching some decent fish in less than 24 hours. First time mold making and first time plastic pouring. I'm hooked. Thanks!! (I think) lol





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