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Lurecraft Motor Oil

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I have just tried Lurecraft motor oil color for the first time. I am not happy with the results or with Lurecraft customer service and am hoping for suggestions.

For me if I use a little color i'm getting a pale greenish brown color and if I use a few more drops of color i'm just getting a darker greenish brown color.

The motor oil color that i am used to from store bought worms is much more yellow or chartreuse with a green tint. This color changes to very green in the water.

any ideas?



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Did you add the color before or after you heated the plastic???? Some of the LC colors are weird that way. From my experience, most MF colors earn their initials by my expletives while pouring. You need to shake the hell out of em, all the solids seperate out, and they never go completely back into solution. LC makes a much nicer product IMHO.

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Hi George,

All of your colors from both companies should be well shaken before adding them. However, motor oil is not one of those colors that matters when you add it. M.O. is very runny (liquidy) and you can add it before or after heating with the same results. Z is right though......some colors are very funny that way because they have added substances that will settle to the bottom. My personal list of these "bad boys" are as follows:

white, avocado, black, brown, golden, lime, pumpkinseed, chartreuse, green pumpkin, sweet potato, minnow silver, oxblood. I'm sure there are more, but these are the colors I use most often. They all need to be mixed thoroughly.


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George, you may want to tune up the LC motoroil with a couple drops of straight yellow or some amber maybe to get the color you are after. I am sure it would be easier to get it premixed, but you will likely have to shade it a bit anyway to get it right where you like it.

I have to agree with Chris on the shaking bit. I have noticed some differences in color with adding colors before and after heating. As some colors require adding before heating (Fluorescents mostly), and some do not, you really have to experiment with the colors until you get them tweaked to your personal preference. The only 2 colors that I've have a hard time with a difference in color if I add them before heating are LC "Jet Black" and MF Brown, they turn out a mottled kind of color that is not consistent thru the baits. As for colors settling, my personal peeves are ANY pearl or metallic colors, chartreuse, MF red, and any brand of orange. I have to wonder if my experience with MF has been bad because I buy it locally off the shelf in a "warehouse" type store and it has been sitting there for ? an eternity? I know that Chris helped me with the plastic (3G) I got there when all the hardener had settled...Maybe they are purveyors of the finest in vintage pouring products only? :P Back to the salt mine.....

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gvetter -

Like you, I'm used to motoroil being different than I got with LureCraft's version, more a changable deep green/chartruse/brownish tint...

This weekend, I got a reasonable facimile by using equal amounts of LC Flourescent Chartruce and LC Motoroil.

1/2 Cup Plastisol

10 drops Chartruse (must be mixed with plastisol before heating)

10 drops Motoroil

If you cut the colorant to 7-8 drops each, the color comes out more on the watermelon side. Add a little fine red flake to this produces a very nice color.

Next, I think I'll try adding a transparent brown.

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LC would not admit that their motor oil is not irridescent and said that I didn't mix it enough. The same for amber pearl which is really copper pearl. I used Tristan's recipe last Nov. and got a reasonable mo, but not the same. There are two mo's - one reddish/greenish, and one greenish/ brownish. That's the clue as to which color to add.


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I dont have any lc chartreuse. I ordered MF colors because I was unhappy with the response I received from LureCraft when I suggested that their Motor Oil color wasn't what it should be. I plan to avoid ordering from LC in the future because of this lack of customer satisfaction.

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