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Airbrushing Powder/powder Water Mixes

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I have just started airbrushing powder/powder water mixes. I bought a Paasche VL airbrush and it seems to work fine with the Columbia powder water and Columbia powder. I also heard that the Iwata Eclipse is a better airbrush than the Paasche and I have sen posts about using this airbrush with the Columbia stuff. I tried one color and the Iwata - after a bit of prodding - seemed OK. Then the other day I made a mix and tried that with the Iwata and it just wouldn't work well. I switched to the Paasche and it was fine. I have to admit that I didn't spend a lot of time trying to mess around with the Iwata to get it to spray the powder. It did spray a bit, but it was not great. Note that I also tried to thin the mix a bit with more powder water and that didn't seem to move things either.

Anyone with any suggestions?



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