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2 Color Pour Without 2 Color Injector

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Just wanted to show that you can do two colors without a two color injector. Simply inject one color, let the bait cool, and slice the bait where you want that color. Place the sliced up bait back into the mold and pour or inject the second color. Attached are the pictures from my first attempt.Now all I need to do is figure out how to rig it. IMG-20110101-00011.jpgIMG-20110101-00012.jpg

















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They look great. You could use a lighter more transparent color for the belly and you could have the 3d type lure that is very popular. I have an idea that should work for the 3d type pours. Most molds for swimbaits are a left/right side haves. If the mold was a bottom/top haves then you could pour the belly then maybe a thin strip of black or any color, then close the top half and inject the back.

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There is one problem that rears its ugly head with this method...cold cracks and separation. I did this same thing for a while, then I got a Blending Block.

After a few days of curing, if you rub your finger on the end of the bait where the color separation is, you will peel the baits into two pieces, one of each color. One way I found to help eliminate this is to get a pencil torch and run it close to the baits without touching them. This melts the plastic a little and helps the two colors adhere.

Hope this helps, the baits look great.

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No need cut. Place a sheet of cooking papper or aluminum foil bettween the 2 mold halfs.

I thought I might have been original with the using of parchment paper, but I realize few things have not been tried with this hobby! I am a newbie and didn't like the thought of using aluminum foil to create laminates so I went with parchment paper bc it doesn't crinkle nearly as much. Parchment paper works great. Now I just need to see how well the diff halves fuse together.

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