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Texas Fishing Addict

Bands For Plastics

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There was a man in Port Aransas Tx that poured plastics and sold them as added income. He made some of the best split tail grubs with a black plastic collar that left an indention at the grub's head if you removed the collar. I found a few of them in an old tackle box. I am going to make a mold for the grubs as they were killers for speckled trout. I am ready to go to work except I cannot figure out how he made the collars. He told me one time that he puts them on later, but this guy made hundreds of these grubs each week. Every collar is identical. Each collar is about a 1/4 in diameter. and cut about an 1/8 of an inch thick. Does anyone have an idea how he made these collars. I have not poured plastics for years and regrettably way behind in techniques. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you,

Texas Fishing Addict

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