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Another Devcon 2t ?

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I was reading smalljaw's thread about using glitter with Devcon 2T and I remembered some questions I had but didn't want to hi jack so here I am. I am very much a beginner so I never know when a question is reasonable or just outright stewpid. LOL. Anyway, I have read plenty of comments , ( I think) about using Devcon as a clear coat or a top coat. I don't get it. The only Devcon I am aware of comes in 2 tubes with a plunger to squeeze out equal amounts on a dish , to be uniformly mixed and used right away. Is that what you guys are talking about? How do you use it ? Do you brush it on or spray it on ?



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I use two things for a clear.

#1 D2T (Devcon 2 Ton)

#2 Etex (Envirotex)

Both are brushed on. I like the devcon better;

D2T: Positives: I believe it dries harder (Just personal opinion),It is very durable and it is more forgiving if you do not put equal amounts of part A and B., no smell

Negatives: It may have a yellowish tint to it which is only an issue on white paint, it has about a 10-15 minute working time per application. I usually squeeze out less than a dime size of both parts.

Etex: Positives: Clarity is outstanding,

Negatives: Goes on thinner so you need more applications (my personal opinion) to get the hardness of Devcon. It has an odor to it.

Application: I make sure all of my jigs don't have any oil or fingerprints on them. You can use isopropyl alcohol for that. Wear latex gloves, and brush on the epoxy on the jig. I then stand up the jig head up with the hook stuck in a piece of foam. Once brushed on periodically check for any runs and wipe off with brush.

Below are pics of the two. On the D2T get the 30 minute not the 5 minute.


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