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Fluid Bed R &r

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Today is a cold , cold cloudy day. I am about to snap. I am going to the barn to upgrade my fluid bed. I built the first one after reading about them on here. Thanks guys. Mine works OK but I think I can make it work better. I'll post up some updates with pics I hope later when I get finished.

I've also finally got some pics I can pull from photobucket and get em over here in the gallery before too much longer. These aren't top notch jigs as I'm just a beginner so you guys can feel free to critique em when I finally get em posted.


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This is what the fluid bed looked like before I re modeled it today.


The air supply is directed through the small inlets.


I moved the bed closer to my reach. I also extended the air supply tubes, I plugged the ends of the tubes and drilled several small holes along the top of the air tubes.


I also cut my paint cups down. I made them 2 &1/2 inches tall with the side I am dipping from is cut down a bit more to open it up for me. The cup on the left is before and the one on the right is after.


I hope it works better for me.

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